Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 6, 2016

NPR News: 1 In 10 People May Face Malnutrition As Fish Catches Decline

1 In 10 People May Face Malnutrition As Fish Catches Decline Many people around the world rely on fish not just for protein but for critical micronutrients like iron and zinc. So declining fisheries pose major risks for global health, scientists warn. Read more on NPR Children's Health June 30, 2016 at 11:40...

NPR News: 1 In 10 People May Face Malnutrition As Fish Catches Decline

1 In 10 People May Face Malnutrition As Fish Catches Decline Many people around the world rely on fish not just for protein but for critical micronutrients like iron and zinc. So declining fisheries pose major risks for global health, scientists warn. Đọc thêm tại NPR at June 30, 2016 at 11:40PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: Personality Can Change Over A Lifetime, And Usually For The Better

Personality Can Change Over A Lifetime, And Usually For The Better Psychologists have been arguing for decades over whether personality traits are real or a myth. More recent research shows that traits are real, a scientist says, and have big effect on behavior. Dọc thêm tại NPR Opinion June 30, 2016 at 10:01...

NPR News: Personality Can Change Over A Lifetime, And Usually For The Better

Personality Can Change Over A Lifetime, And Usually For The Better Psychologists have been arguing for decades over whether personality traits are real or a myth. More recent research shows that traits are real, a scientist says, and have big effect on behavior. Đọc thêm tại NPR at June 30, 2016 at 10:01PM Health & Scien...

Morning Agenda: Puerto Rico Relief Measure Clears Senate

By AMIE TSANG from NYT Blogs via IFTTT Blogs June 30, 2016 at 11:00AM Banking and Financial Institutions, Great Britain Withdrawal from EU (Brexit), Hedge Funds, Initial Public Offerings, Law and Legislation, Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestitures, Regulation and Deregulation...

NPR News: Researchers Examine Family Income And Children's Non-Cognitive Skills

Researchers Examine Family Income And Children's Non-Cognitive Skills Barbara Wolfe and Jason Fletcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison found children from lower income families have lower non-cognitive skills than children from richer families. Đọc thêm tại NPR at June 30, 2016 at 04:03PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: From YouTube Pioneer Sal Khan, A School With Real Classrooms

From YouTube Pioneer Sal Khan, A School With Real Classrooms Sal Khan, a pioneer of online tutorials with his successful Khan Academy, has established a private brick and mortar laboratory school in Silicon Valley. He plans to share its lessons with educators. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At June 30, 2016 at 04:03PM Categoty Educati...

Wikipedia article of the day for June 30, 2016

The Wikipedia article of the day for June 30, 2016 is Covent Garden. Covent Garden is a district in London on the eastern fringes of the West End, between St. Martin's Lane and Drury Lane. On the north side are shops centred on Neal's Yard and Seven Dials; the south side holds the Royal Opera House (also called Covent Garden), the Drury Lane theatre, the London Transport Museum, and other cultural...

coop: Word of the day for June 30, 2016

coop , n : A basket, pen or enclosure for birds. A wickerwork basket (kipe) or other enclosure for catching fish. (figuratively, slang) A narrow place of confinement, a cage; a jail, a prison. […] The animated comedy film Chicken Run was released in the UK on this day in 2000. June 30, 20...

Fitness and Adventure: Ryan Hall set to run seven marathons in seven days on seven continents

Fitness and Adventure on Ryan Hall set to run seven marathons in seven days on seven continents Ryan Hall prepares to take on his marathon challenge: seven races in seven days on seven continents. Published on June 30, 2016 at 05:08AM Shared at 0 shares/hour Read more: Fitness...

Miss Teen USA Pageant Dumps the Swimsuit

By DANIEL VICTOR from NYT Style via IFTTT The teenage contest is switching to athletic wear, but there are no such plans for the Miss Universe Organization’s competitions for women. Bathing Suits and Swimwear, Beauty Contests, Women and Girls June 30, 2016 at 11:00...

NPR News: Heat On White House To Scrap Redo Of Human Research Rules

Heat On White House To Scrap Redo Of Human Research Rules The Obama administration's controversial proposal to revise human research rules is flawed and should be scrapped, says a report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Read more on NPR June 30, 2016 at 03:32AM Health Ca...

NPR News: Chicago Residents Fight Crime One Vacant Lot At A Time

Chicago Residents Fight Crime One Vacant Lot At A Time A Chicago program announced two years ago that allows homeowners in impoverished neighborhoods to buy vacant lots on their block for a dollar is off to a very slow start. Residents hoping to spruce up the lots, plant community gardens or turn them into gathering places are frustrated by slow city bureaucracy. Read more on NPR June 30, 2016 at...

NPR News: Heat On White House To Scrap Redo Of Human Research Rules

Heat On White House To Scrap Redo Of Human Research Rules The Obama administration's controversial proposal to revise human research rules is flawed and should be scrapped, says a report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Read more on NPR June 30, 2016 at 03:32AM Health Ca...

NPR News: Chicago Residents Fight Crime One Vacant Lot At A Time

Chicago Residents Fight Crime One Vacant Lot At A Time A Chicago program announced two years ago that allows homeowners in impoverished neighborhoods to buy vacant lots on their block for a dollar is off to a very slow start. Residents hoping to spruce up the lots, plant community gardens or turn them into gathering places are frustrated by slow city bureaucracy. Read more on NPR June 30, 2016 at...

NPR News: Heat On White House To Scrap Redo Of Human Research Rules

Heat On White House To Scrap Redo Of Human Research Rules The Obama administration's controversial proposal to revise human research rules is flawed and should be scrapped, says a report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Đọc thêm tại NPR at June 30, 2016 at 03:32AM Health & Scien...

NPR News: A Hospital Offers Frequent ER Patients An Out — Free Housing

A Hospital Offers Frequent ER Patients An Out — Free Housing Glenn Baker is what hospitals call a superutilizer, coming into the ER again and again with multiple health issues made worse by homelessness. So a Chicago hospital decided to offer him a home. Read more on NPR June 30, 2016 at 02:03AM Health Ca...

NPR News: A Hospital Offers Frequent ER Patients An Out — Free Housing

A Hospital Offers Frequent ER Patients An Out — Free Housing Glenn Baker is what hospitals call a superutilizer, coming into the ER again and again with multiple health issues made worse by homelessness. So a Chicago hospital decided to offer him a home. Read more on NPR June 30, 2016 at 02:03AM Health Ca...

NPR News: Feds Want To Speed Up Medicare Appeals, But Backlog Will Still Last Years

Feds Want To Speed Up Medicare Appeals, But Backlog Will Still Last Years A Department of Health and Human Services proposal and an increase in funding could wind down the backlog in appeals of denied Medicare claims by 2021, six years sooner than without the changes. Read more on NPR June 30, 2016 at 12:09AM Health Ca...

NPR News: Feds Want To Speed Up Medicare Appeals, But Backlog Will Still Last Years

Feds Want To Speed Up Medicare Appeals, But Backlog Will Still Last Years A Department of Health and Human Services proposal and an increase in funding could wind down the backlog in appeals of denied Medicare claims by 2021, six years sooner than without the changes. Read more on NPR June 30, 2016 at 12:09AM Health Ca...

Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 6, 2016

NPR News: Brexit's Impact Stretches From Deep Space To Nuclear Fusion

Brexit's Impact Stretches From Deep Space To Nuclear Fusion Scientists are worried about how Britain's departure from the European Union would hurt the continent's mega-projects and its researchers. Scientific collaboration "should know no borders," says one. Đọc thêm tại NPR at June 29, 2016 at 11:36PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: Doctors Get Creative To Soothe Tech-Savvy Kids Before Surgery

Doctors Get Creative To Soothe Tech-Savvy Kids Before Surgery Surgery can be emotionally and physically stressful for children. A California anesthesiologist has come up with a way to reduce anxiety that's safer, cheaper and much more entertaining. Read more on NPR Children's Health June 29, 2016 at 11:36...

NPR News: Should Pacific Bluefin Tuna Be Listed As An Endangered Species?

Should Pacific Bluefin Tuna Be Listed As An Endangered Species? Environmental groups have asked the U.S. to give the prized fish protection under the Endangered Species Act. Some scientists and activists say the chances are slim but the action is long overdue. Đọc thêm tại NPR at June 29, 2016 at 10:42PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: Should Pacific Bluefin Tuna Be Listed As An Endangered Species?

Should Pacific Bluefin Tuna Be Listed As An Endangered Species? Environmental groups have asked the U.S. to give the prized fish protection under the Endangered Species Act. Some scientists and activists say the chances are slim but the action is long overdue. Đọc tiếp trên NPR June 29, 2016 at 10:42PM Environme...

Fitness and Adventure: Summertime Sweat: Kitesurfing is the new way to ride waves to a fitter body

Fitness and Adventure on Summertime Sweat: Kitesurfing is the new way to ride waves to a fitter body Build fitness and get your adrenaline pumping with summer’s new workout, kiteboarding. A certified instructor shares tips, plus 5 kiteboarding spots to add to your travel itinerary. Published...

NPR News: Virtual Reality Aimed At The Elderly Finds New Fans

Virtual Reality Aimed At The Elderly Finds New Fans Some doctors are finding that virtual travel — to Venice, a Hawaiian beach or Africa — can open new worlds to people confined by low mobility, dementia, or depression. Read more on NPR June 29, 2016 at 06:30PM Health Ca...

NPR News: Virtual Reality Aimed At The Elderly Finds New Fans

Virtual Reality Aimed At The Elderly Finds New Fans Some doctors are finding that virtual travel — to Venice, a Hawaiian beach or Africa — can open new worlds to people confined by low mobility, dementia, or depression. Read more on NPR June 29, 2016 at 06:30PM Health Ca...

NPR News: Virtual Reality Aimed At The Elderly Finds New Fans

Virtual Reality Aimed At The Elderly Finds New Fans Some doctors are finding that virtual travel — to Venice, a Hawaiian beach or Africa — can open new worlds to people confined by low mobility, dementia, or depression. Đọc thêm tại NPR at June 29, 2016 at 06:30PM Health & Scien...

Morning Agenda: Banking in the Time of ‘Brexit’

By AMIE TSANG from NYT Blogs via IFTTT Blogs June 29, 2016 at 11:00AM Automobile Safety Features and Defects, Banking and Financial Institutions, Bankruptcies, Capitalism (Theory and Philosophy), Conflicts of Interest, Great Britain Withdrawal from EU (Brexit), Gross Domestic...

NPR News: What Good Preschool Looks Like: Snapshots From Four States

What Good Preschool Looks Like: Snapshots From Four States What separates good preschool from bad? A new report maps out some key answers by studying successful programs. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At June 29, 2016 at 05:18PM Categoty Educati...

NPR News: Industry Finds Receptive Doctors At For-Profit, Southern Hospitals

Industry Finds Receptive Doctors At For-Profit, Southern Hospitals A ProPublica analysis shows that where a hospital is located and who owns it make a big difference in the share of its doctors take industry payments. Check the data for yourself. Read more on NPR June 29, 2016 at 04:00PM Health Ca...

NPR News: Industry Finds Receptive Doctors At For-Profit, Southern Hospitals

Industry Finds Receptive Doctors At For-Profit, Southern Hospitals A ProPublica analysis shows that where a hospital is located and who owns it make a big difference in the share of its doctors take industry payments. Check the data for yourself. Read more on NPR June 29, 2016 at 04:00PM Health Ca...

NPR News: Beyond Sightseeing: You'll Love The Sound Of America's Best Parks

Beyond Sightseeing: You'll Love The Sound Of America's Best Parks The National Park Service is racing to record soundscapes of each park that capture nature for the ear. "If we start to lose sounds of wilderness, we start to lose a piece of us," one scientist says. Đọc tiếp trên NPR June 29, 2016 at 03:52PM Environme...

NPR News: Beyond Sightseeing: You'll Love The Sound Of America's Best Parks

Beyond Sightseeing: You'll Love The Sound Of America's Best Parks The National Park Service is racing to record soundscapes of each park that capture nature for the ear. "If we start to lose sounds of wilderness, we start to lose a piece of us," one scientist says. Đọc thêm tại NPR at June 29, 2016 at 03:52PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: Thank You, Pat Summitt: From One Tennessee Girl To Another

Thank You, Pat Summitt: From One Tennessee Girl To Another I didn't realize that women didn't get the same recognition as men, and that they had to work twice as hard. I didn't realize this because Pat never made us believe it was or should be any different. Dọc thêm tại NPR Opinion June 29, 2016 at 07:23...

Wikipedia article of the day for June 29, 2016

The Wikipedia article of the day for June 29, 2016 is Robert of Jumièges. Robert of Jumièges (died 1052–1055?) was the first Norman Archbishop of Canterbury. He had served as prior of the Abbey of St Ouen at Rouen in Normandy, before becoming abbot of Jumièges Abbey (pictured), near Rouen, in 1037. He was a friend and advisor to the king of England, Edward the Confessor, who appointed him Bishop of...

bentwood: Word of the day for June 29, 2016

bentwood , n : (woodworking, countable and uncountable) Also attributive. Lengths of wood that have been made pliable by heating with steam and then bent into the appropriate shape (to make furniture, ships' hulls, etc.). (countable) An object, especially a piece of furniture, made from bentwood. June 29, 20...

NPR News: West Virginians Turn To Federal Government For Help After Devastating Floods

West Virginians Turn To Federal Government For Help After Devastating Floods In West Virginia, residents are beginning to clean up after record floods destroyed hundreds of homes and businesses and killed at least 23 people. Đọc thêm tại NPR at June 29, 2016 at 03:38AM Health & Scien...

NPR News: Volkswagen Reaches $14.7 Billion Settlement In Emissions Cheating Scheme

Volkswagen Reaches $14.7 Billion Settlement In Emissions Cheating Scheme Volkswagen agreed to pay up to $14.7 billion to settle major claims in the U.S. against the company over its emissions cheating scheme. Đọc thêm tại NPR at June 29, 2016 at 03:37AM Health & Scien...

NPR News: West Virginians Turn To Federal Government For Help After Devastating Floods

West Virginians Turn To Federal Government For Help After Devastating Floods In West Virginia, residents are beginning to clean up after record floods destroyed hundreds of homes and businesses and killed at least 23 people. Đọc tiếp trên NPR June 29, 2016 at 03:38AM Environme...

NPR News: Volkswagen Reaches $14.7 Billion Settlement In Emissions Cheating Scheme

Volkswagen Reaches $14.7 Billion Settlement In Emissions Cheating Scheme Volkswagen agreed to pay up to $14.7 billion to settle major claims in the U.S. against the company over its emissions cheating scheme. Đọc tiếp trên NPR June 29, 2016 at 03:37AM Environme...

NPR News: As NPR Goes Digital, Photos Become Essential To Storytelling

As NPR Goes Digital, Photos Become Essential To Storytelling NPR lost two colleagues — including a renowned photojournalist — in Afghanistan this month, prompting some listeners to ask: Why does a radio network need photos? Dọc thêm tại NPR Opinion June 29, 2016 at 02:17...

Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 6, 2016

NPR News: Bullies And Their Victims Both Face A Higher Risk Of Teen Suicide

Bullies And Their Victims Both Face A Higher Risk Of Teen Suicide For the first time the nation's pediatricians point to bullying, both online and in real life, as increasing the risk of suicide for teenagers. Read more on NPR Children's Health June 28, 2016 at 11:39...

NPR News: $15 Billion Settlement Proposed In Volkswagen Emissions Scandal

$15 Billion Settlement Proposed In Volkswagen Emissions Scandal Two-thirds of the sum will be set aside to compensate U.S. owners of nearly 500,000 VW diesel cars. The company will also pay $2.7 billion into an environmental remediation fund. Đọc tiếp trên NPR June 28, 2016 at 11:18PM Environme...

NPR News: Ikea Recalls Millions Of Chests, Dressers Because Of Tip-Over Hazard

Ikea Recalls Millions Of Chests, Dressers Because Of Tip-Over Hazard The furniture company began offering free wall-anchoring kits for tall dressers last year after two children died in accidents. Now, following a third death, it is recalling the dressers altogether. Read more on NPR Children's Health June 28, 2016 at 11:23...

NPR News: Looking For Change, Teachers Hit The Campaign Trail

Looking For Change, Teachers Hit The Campaign Trail This primary season Oklahoma educators are running for state office in record numbers. The nearly 40 teachers and principals say they're fed up with low funding, over-testing and teacher shortages. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At June 28, 2016 at 10:27PM Categoty Educati...

NPR News: States Offer Privacy Protection For Young Adults On Parent's Health Plan

States Offer Privacy Protection For Young Adults On Parent's Health Plan When children up to the age of 26 can stay on the family health insurance plan, it can be difficult for them to keep their medical information private from Mom and Dad. Read more on NPR June 28, 2016 at 09:59PM Health Ca...

NPR News: States Offer Privacy Protection For Young Adults On Parent's Health Plan

States Offer Privacy Protection For Young Adults On Parent's Health Plan When children up to the age of 26 can stay on the family health insurance plan, it can be difficult for them to keep their medical information private from Mom and Dad. Read more on NPR June 28, 2016 at 09:59PM Health Ca...

NPR News: States Offer Privacy Protection For Young Adults On Parent's Health Plan

States Offer Privacy Protection For Young Adults On Parent's Health Plan When children up to the age of 26 can stay on the family health insurance plan, it can be difficult for them to keep their medical information private from Mom and Dad. Read more on NPR Children's Health June 28, 2016 at 09:59...

NPR News: Obama's New Clean Energy Goal For North America: 50 Percent By 2025

Obama's New Clean Energy Goal For North America: 50 Percent By 2025 White House aides acknowledge that the plan, to be announced by President Obama and his counterparts in Canada and Mexico, is a "stretch goal." The commitment goes beyond the Paris climate agreement. Đọc tiếp trên NPR June 28, 2016 at 05:25AM Environme...

Fitness and Adventure: Power play: What cyclists teach us about energy efficiency

Fitness and Adventure on Power play: What cyclists teach us about energy efficiency Total energy (power multiplied by time) is what really counts in a road bike race. Cannondale riders share their tips for fuel, energy efficiency and more.  Published on June 28, 2016 at 08:15PM Shared...

NPR News: Click For Fewer Calories: Health Labels May Change Online Ordering Habits

Click For Fewer Calories: Health Labels May Change Online Ordering Habits Will it be a hamburger or hummus wrap for lunch? When customers saw indications of a meal's calorie content posted online, they put fewer calories in their cart, a study finds. Đọc thêm tại NPR at June 28, 2016 at 06:00PM Health & Scien...

Morning Agenda: Market Panic Subsides as Britain Faces Economic Fears

By AMIE TSANG from NYT Blogs via IFTTT Blogs June 28, 2016 at 11:00AM Automobile Safety Features and Defects, Banking and Financial Institutions, Credit Ratings and Credit Rating Agencies, Crestor (Drug), Currency, Debt Collection, Deflation (Economics), Embargoes and Sanctions,...

NPR News: After 25 Years, What's Next For Charter Schools?

After 25 Years, What's Next For Charter Schools? Ted Kolderie, often called the "godfather" of the charter school movement, has a new book out. He says the lack of innovation in how teachers teach and students learn is stifling school reform. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At June 28, 2016 at 04:30PM Categoty Educati...

NPR News: Does Your Body Really Refresh Itself Every 7 Years?

Does Your Body Really Refresh Itself Every 7 Years? Almost all of the cells in a human body get replaced over the course of a life. NPR's Skunk Bear Team sets off on an imagined video tour inside the body to find out which body parts never change. Đọc thêm tại NPR at June 28, 2016 at 04:00PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: Ancient Shipwreck Off Greek Island Yields A Different Sort Of Treasure

Ancient Shipwreck Off Greek Island Yields A Different Sort Of Treasure Divers exploring the famous Antikythera shipwreck, 200 feet beneath the water's surface in Greece, have turned up a heavy object they think might have been a powerful weapon in the first century B.C. Đọc thêm tại NPR at June 28, 2016 at 03:58PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: The Cheater's High And Other Reasons We Cheat

The Cheater's High And Other Reasons We Cheat Like it or not, cheating and lying are part of being human. But our propensity to cheat varies based on the situation. This week we delve into how cheating works. Đọc thêm tại NPR at June 28, 2016 at 11:05AM Health & Scien...

Wikipedia article of the day for June 28, 2016

The Wikipedia article of the day for June 28, 2016 is George S. Patton slapping incidents. After he slapped two soldiers, US Lieutenant General George S. Patton was sidelined from combat command by General Dwight Eisenhower and Army Chief of Staff George C. Marshall. On 3 August 1943, during the Sicily Campaign of World War II, Patton struck, kicked and berated a soldier he found at an evacuation...

NPR News: Texans React To Supreme Court's Ruling On State Abortion Law

Texans React To Supreme Court's Ruling On State Abortion Law People in Texas react to the Supreme Court's decision Monday overturning a state law cutting the number of health clinics that perform abortions. Read more on NPR June 28, 2016 at 03:28AM Health Ca...

NPR News: Supreme Court Texas Abortion Ruling Threatens Other State Laws

Supreme Court Texas Abortion Ruling Threatens Other State Laws The Supreme Court's decision striking down Texas laws limiting abortion access could have significant impacts in other states. Read more on NPR June 28, 2016 at 03:28AM Health Ca...

NPR News: Texans React To Supreme Court's Ruling On State Abortion Law

Texans React To Supreme Court's Ruling On State Abortion Law People in Texas react to the Supreme Court's decision Monday overturning a state law cutting the number of health clinics that perform abortions. Read more on NPR June 28, 2016 at 03:28AM Health Ca...

NPR News: Supreme Court Texas Abortion Ruling Threatens Other State Laws

Supreme Court Texas Abortion Ruling Threatens Other State Laws The Supreme Court's decision striking down Texas laws limiting abortion access could have significant impacts in other states. Read more on NPR June 28, 2016 at 03:28AM Health Ca...

NPR News: How FluMist Slipped From Preferred To Passe

How FluMist Slipped From Preferred To Passe A CDC advisory panel concluded that the nasal spray vaccine is so ineffective that it shouldn't be used by anyone during the 2016-2017 flu season. Until 2015, the spray was the top choice for kids. Read more on NPR June 28, 2016 at 03:20AM Health Ca...

NPR News: How FluMist Slipped From Preferred To Passe

How FluMist Slipped From Preferred To Passe A CDC advisory panel concluded that the nasal spray vaccine is so ineffective that it shouldn't be used by anyone during the 2016-2017 flu season. Until 2015, the spray was the top choice for kids. Read more on NPR Children's Health June 28, 2016 at 03:20...

NPR News: How FluMist Slipped From Preferred To Passe

How FluMist Slipped From Preferred To Passe A CDC advisory panel concluded that the nasal spray vaccine is so ineffective that it shouldn't be used by anyone during the 2016-2017 flu season. Until 2015, the spray was the top choice for kids. Read more on NPR June 28, 2016 at 03:20AM Health Ca...

NPR News: Nothing Says 'Hip' Like Ancient Wheat

Nothing Says 'Hip' Like Ancient Wheat Many consumers in North America and Europe are willing to pay a premium for nutritious, organic grains. That makes the market ripe for a revival of millennia-old bread wheat, some plant breeders say. Đọc thêm tại NPR at June 28, 2016 at 01:49AM Health & Scien...

Fitness and Adventure: Extreme Exposure: Grant Baker wins Puerto Escondido with perfect 10

Fitness and Adventure on Extreme Exposure: Grant Baker wins Puerto Escondido with perfect 10 In this week\'s edition of Extreme Exposure Skatercross makes its debut, Southern California beaches get wild and we remember a Nike exec who was killed in a basejumping accident. Published on June...

Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 6, 2016

NPR News: Fallout From Supreme Court Ruling Against Texas Law's Abortion Restrictions

Fallout From Supreme Court Ruling Against Texas Law's Abortion Restrictions While Texas' law governing clinics that perform abortions was among the most restrictive, many other states have laws with some of the same provisions. Read more on NPR June 27, 2016 at 11:35PM Health Ca...

NPR News: Supreme Court Finds Texas Law On Abortion Providers Unconstitutional

Supreme Court Finds Texas Law On Abortion Providers Unconstitutional The 2-year-old law required clinics that provide abortions to have surgical facilities and doctors to have hospital admitting privileges; the justices reversed a federal appeals court decision, 5-3. Read more on NPR June 27, 2016 at 11:30PM Health Ca...

NPR News: Fallout From Supreme Court Ruling Against Texas Law's Abortion Restrictions

Fallout From Supreme Court Ruling Against Texas Law's Abortion Restrictions While Texas' law governing clinics that perform abortions was among the most restrictive, many other states have laws with some of the same provisions. Read more on NPR June 27, 2016 at 11:35PM Health Ca...

NPR News: Supreme Court Finds Texas Law On Abortion Providers Unconstitutional

Supreme Court Finds Texas Law On Abortion Providers Unconstitutional The 2-year-old law required clinics that provide abortions to have surgical facilities and doctors to have hospital admitting privileges; the justices reversed a federal appeals court decision, 5-3. Read more on NPR June 27, 2016 at 11:30PM Health Ca...

NPR News: Human Or Machine: Can You Tell Who Wrote These Poems?

Human Or Machine: Can You Tell Who Wrote These Poems? Can a computer write a sonnet that's indistinguishable from what a person can produce? A contest at Dartmouth attempted to find out. And with our online quiz, you too can give it a try. Đọc thêm tại NPR at June 27, 2016 at 11:14PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: Girl Talk: What Teens Want Michelle Obama To Know About Liberia

Girl Talk: What Teens Want Michelle Obama To Know About Liberia Some of them have never heard of her. But most of them want her to know: Make sure more Liberian girls can stay in school! Đọc tiếp trên NPR At June 27, 2016 at 11:17PM Categoty Educati...

NPR News: Water Break: Is Your Child Drinking Enough Fluids This Summer?

Water Break: Is Your Child Drinking Enough Fluids This Summer? From sports camps to running around on the playground, kids can log long hours in the summer heat. Many don't stop to drink water. But a few simple moves by camps, coaches and parents can help. Read more on NPR Children's Health June 27, 2016 at 11:05...

Morning Agenda: Markets Shaky As Political Chaos Continues in the Wake of ‘Brexit’

By AMIE TSANG from NYT Blogs via IFTTT Blogs June 27, 2016 at 11:00AM Banking and Financial Institutions, Bankruptcies, British Pound (Currency), Corporations, Currency, Euro (Currency), European Sovereign Debt Crisis (2010- ), Executive Compensation, Foreclosures, Great Britain...

NPR News: VW Faces Tuesday Deadline For Diesel Emissions Settlement

VW Faces Tuesday Deadline For Diesel Emissions Settlement Volkswagen admitted last September to intentionally cheating on emissions tests. A federal judge has set a Tuesday deadline for VW to work out a plan for making amends. Đọc tiếp trên NPR June 27, 2016 at 04:00PM Environme...

NPR News: Inside A Secret Government Warehouse Prepped For Health Catastrophes

Inside A Secret Government Warehouse Prepped For Health Catastrophes More than $7 billion in drugs, vaccines and supplies are stashed in warehouses to be tapped in case of a pandemic or an attack with chemical, biological or nuclear weapons. NPR got a peek at one. Read more on NPR June 27, 2016 at 03:56PM Health Ca...

NPR News: Inside A Secret Government Warehouse Prepped For Health Catastrophes

Inside A Secret Government Warehouse Prepped For Health Catastrophes More than $7 billion in drugs, vaccines and supplies are stashed in warehouses to be tapped in case of a pandemic or an attack with chemical, biological or nuclear weapons. NPR got a peek at one. Read more on NPR June 27, 2016 at 03:56PM Health Ca...

Wikipedia article of the day for June 27, 2016

The Wikipedia article of the day for June 27, 2016 is 2010 Sylvania 300. The 2010 Sylvania 300 was an American stock car racing competition held at New Hampshire Motor Speedway in Loudon on September 19. The 300-lap race was the twenty-seventh in the 2010 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series, as well as the first in the ten-race Chase for the Sprint Cup, which ended the season. Clint Bowyer (pictured) of the...

Capturing the Eye-Catching Everyday

By Unknown Author from NYT Style via IFTTT Bill Cunningham focused his camera on what people wore to telegraph their place in the world. Here are some of his best photographs of street style in New York. Fashion and Apparel June 26, 2016 at 11:00...