Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 8, 2016

NPR News: How An Edible Battery Could Power Medical Robots You Swallow

How An Edible Battery Could Power Medical Robots You Swallow
Tiny devices sent into the human body for diagnosing and treating diseases run on batteries that may contain toxic materials. Researchers have come up with a safer battery made of natural pigments.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 31, 2016 at 10:18PM
Health & Science

NPR News: WATCH: International Space Station Flies Over 3 Hurricanes

WATCH: International Space Station Flies Over 3 Hurricanes
Two hurricanes in the Pacific — Lester and Madeline — are threatening Hawaii. Meanwhile, Gaston is crossing the open Atlantic. The space station got a good view of all three of them on Tuesday.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 31, 2016 at 08:34PM
Health & Science

NPR News: WATCH: International Space Station Flies Over 3 Hurricanes

WATCH: International Space Station Flies Over 3 Hurricanes
Two hurricanes in the Pacific — Lester and Madeline — are threatening Hawaii. Meanwhile, Gaston is crossing the open Atlantic. The space station got a good view of all three of them on Tuesday.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 31, 2016 at 08:34PM

NPR News: Why Do Colleges Spend Millions On Football, Our Commentator Asks

Why Do Colleges Spend Millions On Football, Our Commentator Asks
The college football season officially kicks off this weekend. Powerhouse division 1 schools will play. That got our commentator wondering: What's in it for the weaklings of that division?

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 31, 2016 at 04:10PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: Mental Health In Schools: A Hidden Crisis Affecting Millions Of Students

Mental Health In Schools: A Hidden Crisis Affecting Millions Of Students
An estimated 20 percent of children show signs or symptoms of mental health problems. Its a destructive force in schools, but most educators don't have the training or resources to help.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 31, 2016 at 05:00PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: With Water In Short Supply, California Ranchers Grow Their Feed Indoors

With Water In Short Supply, California Ranchers Grow Their Feed Indoors
The extended drought in California has farmers looking for ways to use less water. Among them, growing feed indoors using hydroponics. The new diet is making some Central Valley sheep very happy.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 31, 2016 at 04:10PM

NPR News: Banned From National Forest, For-Profit Mushroom Pickers Go Underground

Banned From National Forest, For-Profit Mushroom Pickers Go Underground
Last year's forest fires have produced a bumper crop of coveted morel mushrooms in Montana's northwestern forests. But the Forest Service isn't issuing commercial licenses in some prime picking spots.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 31, 2016 at 04:10PM

NPR News: With Water In Short Supply, California Ranchers Grow Their Feed Indoors

With Water In Short Supply, California Ranchers Grow Their Feed Indoors
The extended drought in California has farmers looking for ways to use less water. Among them, growing feed indoors using hydroponics. The new diet is making some Central Valley sheep very happy.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 31, 2016 at 04:10PM
Health & Science

NPR News: Banned From National Forest, For-Profit Mushroom Pickers Go Underground

Banned From National Forest, For-Profit Mushroom Pickers Go Underground
Last year's forest fires have produced a bumper crop of coveted morel mushrooms in Montana's northwestern forests. But the Forest Service isn't issuing commercial licenses in some prime picking spots.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 31, 2016 at 04:10PM
Health & Science

Wikipedia article of the day for August 31, 2016

The Wikipedia article of the day for August 31, 2016 is Mr. Dooley.
Mr. Dooley is a fictional bartender created by American journalist Finley Peter Dunne, appearing in print between 1893 and 1915, and again in 1924 and 1926. The bartender's humorous but pointed commentary on American politics and international affairs first became popular during the 1898 Spanish–American War. Dunne's essays are in the form of conversations in an Irish dialect of English between Mr. Dooley, the owner of a fictional tavern in the Bridgeport area of Chicago, and one of the bar's patrons. From 1898 onwards, the essays, and the books collecting them, gained national acclaim. Dunne became a friend of President Theodore Roosevelt, although the friendship did not curtail his satire. Beginning around 1905, Dunne had increasing trouble finding time and inspiration for new pieces, and, except for a brief resurrection in the mid-1920s, his columns ended in 1915. Even before his death in 1936, his work was becoming obscure due in part to his use of dialect and unusual spellings. The columns originated lasting sayings such as "the Supreme Court follows the election returns".

slough of despond: Word of the day for August 31, 2016

slough of despond , n :
A dreary bog or marsh. (figuratively) A state of disheartening hopelessness. English writer and preacher John Bunyan, whose 1678 book The Pilgrim's Progress is the source of this term, died on this day in 1688.
August 31, 2016

NPR News: U.N. Health Officials Warn Gonorrhea Is Becoming Untreatable

U.N. Health Officials Warn Gonorrhea Is Becoming Untreatable
The World Health Organization released new treatment guidelines that acknowledge an entire class of antibiotics is now all but useless against the sexually transmitted disease.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 31, 2016 at 04:08AM
Health & Science

NPR News: In Philadelphia, Neighbors Learn How To Keep Shooting Victims Alive

In Philadelphia, Neighbors Learn How To Keep Shooting Victims Alive
A first aid class in Philadelphia is designed to help people learn how to keep shooting victims alive until the paramedics arrive. It teaches skills such as applying tourniquets to stop bleeding.

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August 31, 2016 at 02:44AM
Health Care

NPR News: In Philadelphia, Neighbors Learn How To Keep Shooting Victims Alive

In Philadelphia, Neighbors Learn How To Keep Shooting Victims Alive
A first aid class in Philadelphia is designed to help people learn how to keep shooting victims alive until the paramedics arrive. It teaches skills such as applying tourniquets to stop bleeding.

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August 31, 2016 at 02:44AM
Health Care

Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 8, 2016

NPR News: Their Masters' Voices: Dogs Understand Tone And Meaning Of Words

Their Masters' Voices: Dogs Understand Tone And Meaning Of Words
When humans talk to dogs, the canine brains seem to separate the meaning of the words from the intonation used, and to analyze each aspect independently.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 30, 2016 at 11:08PM
Health & Science

NPR News: Northeast Farmers Grapple With Worst Drought In More Than A Decade

Northeast Farmers Grapple With Worst Drought In More Than A Decade
This year, many fields are bone dry — and that has many farmers in the region thinking about how to manage their land, their animals and the water that is there.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 30, 2016 at 11:05PM

NPR News: Scientists Looking For Alien Life Investigate 'Interesting' Signal From Space

Scientists Looking For Alien Life Investigate 'Interesting' Signal From Space
Russian astronomers detected an unusual radio signal last year. The SETI Institute says its too soon to say if the signal came from intelligent lifeforms — but they're checking it out.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 30, 2016 at 09:38PM
Health & Science

Fitness and Adventure: Georgia Tech, Tennessee and more college football teams add extra helmet protection

Fitness and Adventure on

Georgia Tech, Tennessee and more college football teams add extra helmet protection

From colleges to high school teams and younger, coaches are taking measures to reduce impacts of practice hits with Guardian caps helmet protection.

Published on August 30, 2016 at 09:15PM

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Fitness and Adventure

NPR News: Baby Simulator Doesn't Deter Teenage Pregnancies, Study Indicates

Baby Simulator Doesn't Deter Teenage Pregnancies, Study Indicates
A study in The Lancet medical journal shows the prevention program didn't appear to have long-term effects on reducing risks of teenage pregnancy. Renee Montagne talks to lead author Sally Brinkman.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 30, 2016 at 04:02PM
Health & Science

NPR News: Researchers Test The Effects Of Background Music On People

Researchers Test The Effects Of Background Music On People
Despite being aware that the background music on a documentary about sharks was manipulating them, viewers found they were unable to keep the music from producing a sense of upliftment or of menace.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 30, 2016 at 04:02PM
Health & Science

NPR News: When A Screening Test For Colon Cancer Leads To A Pricey Follow-Up

When A Screening Test For Colon Cancer Leads To A Pricey Follow-Up
Most screening tests for colon cancer are covered by insurance. But if the results are positive, patients may require a diagnostic colonoscopy that may not be fully paid for by insurance.

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August 30, 2016 at 04:00PM
Health Care

NPR News: When A Screening Test For Colon Cancer Leads To A Pricey Follow-Up

When A Screening Test For Colon Cancer Leads To A Pricey Follow-Up
Most screening tests for colon cancer are covered by insurance. But if the results are positive, patients may require a diagnostic colonoscopy that may not be fully paid for by insurance.

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August 30, 2016 at 04:00PM
Health Care

NPR News: Surfers And Scientists Team Up To Create The 'Perfect Wave'

Surfers And Scientists Team Up To Create The 'Perfect Wave'
Surfers once deemed man-made waves weak and mushy compared to the best that break along the coast. Then engineers and an 11-time world champion surfer showed just how good an artificial wave can be.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 30, 2016 at 03:50PM
Health & Science

NPR News: A New School Year Brings Renewed Focus On Attendance

A New School Year Brings Renewed Focus On Attendance
As students head back to school, districts are faced with age-old problem of making sure they show up. In St. Louis, one principal resorted to extreme measures: installing washing machines and dryers.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 30, 2016 at 03:44PM
Categoty Education

Wikipedia article of the day for August 30, 2016

The Wikipedia article of the day for August 30, 2016 is Siege of Sidney Street.
The Siege of Sidney Street of January 1911 was a gunfight in the East End of London. During an attempted jewellery robbery at Houndsditch by a gang of immigrant Latvians, their leader George Gardstein was mortally wounded. Two weeks later, the last two unapprehended suspects were tracked down at 100 Sidney Street in Stepney. Local residents were evacuated, and a gunfight broke out with the police. After a six-hour siege, a fire consumed the building, and the bodies of the two suspects were found within. One of the firemen, Superintendent Charles Pearson, was killed when the building collapsed. The siege marked the first time the police had requested army assistance in London to deal with an armed stand-off. It was also the first siege in Britain to be filmed, by Pathé News. Winston Churchill, the Home Secretary, who was present at the siege, said that he gave no instructions to the police, but a Metropolitan police history of the event contradicted this. One of those arrested for the robbery had his conviction overturned on appeal; the rest were acquitted. The events were fictionalised in novels and in the films The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934) and The Siege of Sidney Street (1960).

skite: Word of the day for August 30, 2016

skite , v :
(Australia, Ireland, New Zealand) To boast. (Northern Ireland) To skim or slide along a surface. (Scotland, slang) To slip, such as on ice. (Scotland, slang) To drink a large amount of alcohol. (archaic, vulgar) To defecate, to shit.
August 30, 2016

NPR News: Your Gut's Gone Viral, And That Might Be Good For Your Health

Your Gut's Gone Viral, And That Might Be Good For Your Health
Think of it as a gift within a gift. Some beneficial gut bacteria contain viruses called "bacteriophages." And some of these phages now have been associated with good intestinal health in humans.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 30, 2016 at 06:31AM
Health & Science

NPR News: Scientists Divided Over How Lucy Died

Scientists Divided Over How Lucy Died
A new study suggests the 3.2-million-year-old hominin died when she fell from a tree and fractured her bones. But other paleoanthropologists say the breaks happened after she died.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 30, 2016 at 05:36AM
Health & Science

NPR News: They're Caught In A Crisis That Isn't Hitting The Headlines

They're Caught In A Crisis That Isn't Hitting The Headlines
The number of malnourished people in northeastern Nigeria could be as hlgh as half a million. Boko Haram shoulders much of the blame.

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Children's Health
August 30, 2016 at 04:56AM

NPR News: NASA Completes Year-Long Mars Simulation In Hawaii

NASA Completes Year-Long Mars Simulation In Hawaii
NPR's Ari Shapiro speaks with Carmel Johnston, the mission commander of the Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation crew, about what it was like to complete a year-long simulation of Mars.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 30, 2016 at 03:31AM
Health & Science

NPR News: Poisonous Algae Blooms Threaten People, Ecosystems Across U.S.

Poisonous Algae Blooms Threaten People, Ecosystems Across U.S.
Serious algae outbreaks have hit more than 20 states this summer. Algae blooms aren't unusual. But the frequency, size and toxicity now are worse than ever, and changes in climate are partly to blame.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 30, 2016 at 03:21AM

NPR News: 323 Reindeer Killed In Lightning Storm In Norway

323 Reindeer Killed In Lightning Storm In Norway
The reindeer died on a mountain plateau in central Norway. "I don't remember hearing about lightning killing animals on this scale before," says a Norwegian environmental official.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 30, 2016 at 01:22AM
Health & Science

NPR News: 323 Reindeer Killed In Lightning Storm In Norway

323 Reindeer Killed In Lightning Storm In Norway
The reindeer died on a mountain plateau in central Norway. "I don't remember hearing about lightning killing animals on this scale before," says a Norwegian environmental official.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 30, 2016 at 01:23AM

NPR News: A Robot That Hurts Confronts Future When Machines Make Life/Death Decisions

A Robot That Hurts Confronts Future When Machines Make Life/Death Decisions
An artist has designed a robot that purposefully defies Isaac Asimov's law that "a robot may not harm humanity" — to bring urgency to the discussion about self-driving and other smart technology.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 30, 2016 at 01:03AM
Health & Science

NPR News: Depression Treatment Often Doesn't Go To Those Most In Need

Depression Treatment Often Doesn't Go To Those Most In Need
Most people with depression aren't getting treatment, a study finds, while people who aren't depressed are prescribed antidepressants they don't need. Ethnicity and income have a lot to do with that.

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August 30, 2016 at 12:54AM
Health Care

NPR News: Depression Treatment Often Doesn't Go To Those Most In Need

Depression Treatment Often Doesn't Go To Those Most In Need
Most people with depression aren't getting treatment, a study finds, while people who aren't depressed are prescribed antidepressants they don't need. Ethnicity and income have a lot to do with that.

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August 30, 2016 at 12:54AM
Health Care

Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 8, 2016

NPR News: 'Mars Mission' Crew Emerges From Yearlong Simulation In Hawaii

'Mars Mission' Crew Emerges From Yearlong Simulation In Hawaii
Six people spent that time living in a dome on a rocky volcanic plain on the island of Hawaii. The NASA-funded experiment was meant to simulate a long-term settlement on Mars.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 29, 2016 at 11:08PM
Health & Science

Fitness and Adventure: Extreme Exposure: BASE jumper streams fatal jump on Facebook live

Fitness and Adventure on

Extreme Exposure: BASE jumper streams fatal jump on Facebook live

Extreme Exposure: BASE jumper streams fatal jump on Facebook live

Published on August 29, 2016 at 10:15PM

Shared at 0 shares/hour

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Fitness and Adventure

NPR News: Controversy Over Drinking Water Safety In N.C. Private Wells Drags On

Controversy Over Drinking Water Safety In N.C. Private Wells Drags On
In North Carolina's capital Raleigh, sparks have been flying between scientists and politicians over possible carcinogens in the public water supply, from nearby coal ash pits.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 29, 2016 at 04:00PM

NPR News: When The Biggest Earthquake Ever Recorded Hit Chile, It Rocked The World

When The Biggest Earthquake Ever Recorded Hit Chile, It Rocked The World
In 1960, all of Chile shook violently for more than 10 minutes. That quake along the western coast of South America was so big it changed the way people see the world.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 29, 2016 at 03:50PM

NPR News: Audits Of Some Medicare Advantage Plans Reveal Pervasive Overcharging

Audits Of Some Medicare Advantage Plans Reveal Pervasive Overcharging
Federal audits of 37 Medicare Advantage health plans cited 35 for overbilling the government. Many plans, for example, claimed patients with depression or diabetes were sicker than they actually were.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 29, 2016 at 04:00PM
Health & Science

NPR News: Audits Of Some Medicare Advantage Plans Reveal Pervasive Overcharging

Audits Of Some Medicare Advantage Plans Reveal Pervasive Overcharging
Federal audits of 37 Medicare Advantage health plans cited 35 for overbilling the government. Many plans, for example, claimed patients with depression or diabetes were sicker than they actually were.

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August 29, 2016 at 04:00PM
Health Care

NPR News: Audits Of Some Medicare Advantage Plans Reveal Pervasive Overcharging

Audits Of Some Medicare Advantage Plans Reveal Pervasive Overcharging
Federal audits of 37 Medicare Advantage health plans cited 35 for overbilling the government. Many plans, for example, claimed patients with depression or diabetes were sicker than they actually were.

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August 29, 2016 at 04:00PM
Health Care

NPR News: When The Biggest Earthquake Ever Recorded Hit Chile, It Rocked The World

When The Biggest Earthquake Ever Recorded Hit Chile, It Rocked The World
In 1960, all of Chile shook violently for more than 10 minutes. That quake along the western coast of South America was so big it changed the way people see the world.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 29, 2016 at 03:50PM
Health & Science

mandylion: Word of the day for August 29, 2016

mandylion , n :
(chiefly Eastern Orthodoxy) often Mandylion: the Image of Edessa, a holy relic consisting of a piece of cloth upon which an image of the face of Jesus Christ had been miraculously imprinted without human intervention (that is, an acheiropoieton); an artistic depiction of this relic. The feast of the mandylion, which commemorates its translation from Edessa to Constantinople in 944, is observed by the Eastern Orthodox Church on this day (August 16 of the Julian calendar).
August 29, 2016

Wikipedia article of the day for August 29, 2016

The Wikipedia article of the day for August 29, 2016 is 2007 United States Air Force nuclear weapons incident.
In a nuclear weapons incident on 29–30 August 2007, United States Air Force warheads were not protected by mandatory security precautions. Six AGM-129 ACM cruise missiles, each loaded with a W80-1 variable yield nuclear warhead, were mistakenly loaded onto an Air Force B-52H heavy bomber at Minot Air Force Base and transported to Barksdale Air Force Base. The nuclear warheads in the missiles were supposed to have been removed before taking the missiles from their storage bunker. The missiles with the nuclear warheads were not reported missing and remained mounted to the aircraft at both Minot and Barksdale for 36 hours. After an investigation, four Air Force commanders were relieved of their commands, and nuclear weapons operations at Minot were suspended. In 2008, Secretary of the Air Force Michael Wynne and Chief of Staff of the Air Force General T. Michael Moseley were forced to resign, in part over this incident. In response to recommendations by a review committee, a new Air Force Global Strike Command assumed control of all Air Force nuclear bombers, missiles, and personnel.

NPR News: Activists Consider The Climate Impact Of Having Children

Activists Consider The Climate Impact Of Having Children
Given the increasingly dire predictions about the future, being a climate activist is stressful. Some say it's making them stress over something else — whether or not to have children.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 29, 2016 at 04:10AM

Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 8, 2016

NPR News: AfroPunk Acts To Free Your Mind And Your ... Ears

AfroPunk Acts To Free Your Mind And Your ... Ears
This year's AfroPunk Festival in Brooklyn features artists who are expanding the universe of punk and ideas about who belongs there.

Dọc thêm tại NPR
August 28, 2016 at 11:40PM

NPR News: 4 Years After Tragedy, A New Sandy Hook Elementary Prepares To Open Its Doors

4 Years After Tragedy, A New Sandy Hook Elementary Prepares To Open Its Doors
Students will be entering a brand-new school for the first time when classes start Monday. It's located at the same site as the scene of the tragedy and the architects were inspired by nature.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 28, 2016 at 10:30PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: Microcephaly Could Be Just The Tip Of The Effects Of Zika Virus

Microcephaly Could Be Just The Tip Of The Effects Of Zika Virus
The devastating birth defect microcephaly may be just a warning sign for the range of problems babies will suffer. Rob Stein tells Linda Wertheimer about what else scientists are learning about Zika.

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Children's Health
August 28, 2016 at 07:57PM

NPR News: Hanging On: The Economic Woes Of Being A Grad Student

Hanging On: The Economic Woes Of Being A Grad Student
For our series Hanging On, Linda Wertheimer speaks with Paul Katz. He's one of the organizers of the graduate student union just approved by the National Labor Relations board.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 28, 2016 at 07:57PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: A Hero For The Arts And Sciences: Upcoming Marvel Covers Promote STEAM Fields

A Hero For The Arts And Sciences: Upcoming Marvel Covers Promote STEAM Fields
The five covers feature the company's heroes — including Spiderman, Iron Man, and the Hulk — all engaging in activities educators have been trying to promote.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 28, 2016 at 06:38PM
Health & Science

NPR News: A Hero For The Arts And Sciences: Upcoming Marvel Covers Promote STEAM Fields

A Hero For The Arts And Sciences: Upcoming Marvel Covers Promote STEAM Fields
The five covers feature the company's heroes — including Spiderman, Iron Man, and the Hulk — all engaging in activities educators have been trying to promote.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 28, 2016 at 06:38PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: A Young Woman Dies, A Teen Is Saved After Amoebas Infect The Brain

A Young Woman Dies, A Teen Is Saved After Amoebas Infect The Brain
In Florida, perfect timing and alert medical staff saved a teen from almost certain death. But in North Carolina, one young woman died of an amoeba infection after rafting at a popular tourist site.

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August 28, 2016 at 05:00PM
Health Care

NPR News: Surprise! Amid Rising Inequality, One School Gap Is Narrowing

Surprise! Amid Rising Inequality, One School Gap Is Narrowing
A new study shows that economic and racial school readiness gaps have narrowed significantly over a 12-year period. Score one for parental engagement and quality pre-K. But huge gaps remain.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 28, 2016 at 05:00PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: A Young Woman Dies, A Teen Is Saved After Amoebas Infect The Brain

A Young Woman Dies, A Teen Is Saved After Amoebas Infect The Brain
In Florida, perfect timing and alert medical staff saved a teen from almost certain death. But in North Carolina, one young woman died of an amoeba infection after rafting at a popular tourist site.

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August 28, 2016 at 05:00PM
Health Care