Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 3, 2017

NPR News: Heavy Rotation: 10 Songs Public Radio Can't Stop Playing

Heavy Rotation: 10 Songs Public Radio Can't Stop Playing
Hear new music from Bay Area R&B vocalist Rayana Jay, Southern-rock songsmith Jason Isbell, breakout soul singer Earl St. Clair and more.

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World Cafe At March 31, 2017 at 08:00PM

NPR News: Rising Seas Threaten Coastal Military Bases

Rising Seas Threaten Coastal Military Bases
Many military installations are along coastlines and are vulnerable to rising seas, including military bases on the Virginia coast, which face dangers of flooding.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
March 31, 2017 at 04:07PM

NPR News: Home Health Aides Fear They'll Lose Hard-Won Insurance Coverage

Home Health Aides Fear They'll Lose Hard-Won Insurance Coverage
Many health care aides were able to get insurance through the Affordable Care Act. But with the law's future uncertain, they don't know how their jobs or their doctor bills will be affected.

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March 31, 2017 at 04:00PM
Health Care

NPR News: Home Health Aides Fear They'll Lose Hard-Won Insurance Coverage

Home Health Aides Fear They'll Lose Hard-Won Insurance Coverage
Many health care aides were able to get insurance through the Affordable Care Act. But with the law's future uncertain, they don't know how their jobs or their doctor bills will be affected.

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March 31, 2017 at 04:00PM
Health Care

Wikipedia article of the day for March 31, 2017

The Wikipedia article of the day for March 31, 2017 is Cincinnati Musical Center half dollar.
The Cincinnati Musical Center half dollar is a commemorative coin that was authorized on March 31, 1936, and struck by the United States Bureau of the Mint that year. Produced with the stated purpose of commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of Cincinnati as a center of music, it was conceived by Thomas G. Melish, a coin enthusiast whose group bought the entire issue from the government, and who resold them at high prices. Melish had hired sculptor Constance Ortmayer to design the coin, but the Commission of Fine Arts objected to Stephen Foster being on the obverse, finding no connection between Foster, who died in 1864, and the supposed anniversary. Nevertheless, 5,000 sets of three coins, one from each of the three mints, were issued and sold to Melish's group, the only authorized purchaser. He likely held back much of the issue for later resale, and with few pieces available, prices spiked to over five times the issue price. The coins are still valuable today. Melish has been assailed by numismatic writers as greedy.

moly cow: Word of the day for March 31, 2017

moly cow , n :
(chemistry, medicine, informal) A device used to extract from a source of decaying molybdenum-99 the metastable isotope 99mTc of technetium, which is the most commonly used medical radioisotope. To celebrate April Fools' Day, we are featuring a series of terms associated with animals. Enjoy!
March 31, 2017

NPR News: Back From The Dead? Reported Sightings Fuel Hope For Return Of Tasmanian Tigers

Back From The Dead? Reported Sightings Fuel Hope For Return Of Tasmanian Tigers
The last known Tasmanian tiger died more than eight decades ago. It has become the stuff of textbook sketches and yellowing photographs. But now, researchers are launching a new search.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 31, 2017 at 03:31AM
Health & Science

NPR News: With Drought Emergency Over, Californians Debate Lifting Water Restrictions

With Drought Emergency Over, Californians Debate Lifting Water Restrictions
California is expected to begin easing sweeping water use and drought restrictions after an extraordinary winter of storms. But a fierce debate rages over whether the rules should become permanent.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
March 31, 2017 at 04:46AM

NPR News: Why The Newly Proposed Sepsis Treatment Needs More Study

Why The Newly Proposed Sepsis Treatment Needs More Study
The body-wide inflammation known as sepsis kills about 300,000 people in U.S. hospitals each year. Promising treatments have come and gone, warn skeptical doctors, who call for rigorous research.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 31, 2017 at 03:48AM
Health & Science

NPR News: Why The Newly Proposed Sepsis Treatment Needs More Study

Why The Newly Proposed Sepsis Treatment Needs More Study
The body-wide inflammation known as sepsis kills about 300,000 people in U.S. hospitals each year. Promising treatments have come and gone, warn skeptical doctors, who call for rigorous research.

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March 31, 2017 at 03:48AM
Health Care

NPR News: Why The Newly Proposed Sepsis Treatment Needs More Study

Why The Newly Proposed Sepsis Treatment Needs More Study
The body-wide inflammation known as sepsis kills about 300,000 people in U.S. hospitals each year. Promising treatments have come and gone, warn skeptical doctors, who call for rigorous research.

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Children's Health
March 31, 2017 at 03:48AM

NPR News: Why The Newly Proposed Sepsis Treatment Needs More Study

Why The Newly Proposed Sepsis Treatment Needs More Study
The body-wide inflammation known as sepsis kills about 300,000 people in U.S. hospitals each year. Promising treatments have come and gone, warn skeptical doctors, who call for rigorous research.

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March 31, 2017 at 03:48AM
Health Care

NPR News: In California, Health Care Marketplace Appears To Be Thriving

In California, Health Care Marketplace Appears To Be Thriving
NPR's Ari Shapiro talks with Peter Lee, executive director of Covered California, about how state health care exchanges will work now that the AHCA has failed in Congress.

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March 31, 2017 at 03:31AM
Health Care

NPR News: In California, Health Care Marketplace Appears To Be Thriving

In California, Health Care Marketplace Appears To Be Thriving
NPR's Ari Shapiro talks with Peter Lee, executive director of Covered California, about how state health care exchanges will work now that the AHCA has failed in Congress.

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March 31, 2017 at 03:31AM
Health Care

NPR News: Australian Researchers Plan Investigation Into Tasmanian Tiger Sightings

Australian Researchers Plan Investigation Into Tasmanian Tiger Sightings
NPR's Ari Shapiro interviews James Cook University researcher Sandra Abell, who is leading a search for the Tasmanian Tiger, believed to be extinct until recent sightings surfaced.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 31, 2017 at 03:31AM
Health & Science

NPR News: Only In Sweden: Hundreds Of Refugee Children Gave Up On Life

Only In Sweden: Hundreds Of Refugee Children Gave Up On Life
An article in this week's New Yorker writes about youngsters who fell into a coma-like state in reaction to the news that their family may be deported. We interview the author.

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Children's Health
March 31, 2017 at 03:01AM

NPR News: #ThanksForTyping Spotlights Unnamed Women In Literary Acknowledgements

#ThanksForTyping Spotlights Unnamed Women In Literary Acknowledgements
A professor shared book acknowledgement pages, where men thanked their wives for typing their manuscripts. #ThanksForTyping soon sparked a conversation on women and their uncredited roles in academia.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At March 31, 2017 at 01:31AM
Categoty Education

NPR News: Why Didn't Zika Cause A Surge In Microcephaly In 2016?

Why Didn't Zika Cause A Surge In Microcephaly In 2016?
Scientists predicted that more than 1,000 babies would be born with the birth defect in Brazil last year. That never happened. Why?

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Children's Health
March 31, 2017 at 01:21AM

NPR News: A Tiny Spot In Mouse Brains May Explain How Breathing Calms The Mind

A Tiny Spot In Mouse Brains May Explain How Breathing Calms The Mind
A cluster of neurons connects breathing and emotion centers in mouse brains, researchers say. If this turns out to be true in humans, it could explain how controlled breathing calms the mind.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 31, 2017 at 01:16AM
Health & Science

Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 3, 2017

NPR News: A Forgotten Shipwreck Imperils Washington's Oysters

A Forgotten Shipwreck Imperils Washington's Oysters
The sunken Hero, an Antarctic research vessel from the 1960s, is leaking oil into Willapa Bay, where more than half of the state's oysters are grown. And no one knows how to remove it.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
March 30, 2017 at 10:53PM

NPR News: A Forgotten Shipwreck Imperils Washington's Oysters

A Forgotten Shipwreck Imperils Washington's Oysters
The sunken Hero, an Antarctic research vessel from the 1960s, is leaking oil into Willapa Bay, where more than half of the state's oysters are grown. And no one knows how to remove it.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 30, 2017 at 10:53PM
Health & Science

NPR News: A Surprising Explanation For Why Some Immigrants Excel In Science

A Surprising Explanation For Why Some Immigrants Excel In Science
It has to do with language learning, according to a new study from Duke University.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At March 30, 2017 at 05:00PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: EPA Says It Will Allow Continued Sale Of Controversial Pesticide

EPA Says It Will Allow Continued Sale Of Controversial Pesticide
The EPA is not going ahead with a proposed ban on a pesticide called chlorpyrifos, saying there's still scientific uncertainty over its safety. Environmental groups say it can harm young children.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
March 30, 2017 at 04:14PM

NPR News: A Surprising Explanation For Why Some Immigrants Excel In Science

A Surprising Explanation For Why Some Immigrants Excel In Science
It has to do with language learning, according to a new study from Duke University.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 30, 2017 at 05:00PM
Health & Science

NPR News: EPA Says It Will Allow Continued Sale Of Controversial Pesticide

EPA Says It Will Allow Continued Sale Of Controversial Pesticide
The EPA is not going ahead with a proposed ban on a pesticide called chlorpyrifos, saying there's still scientific uncertainty over its safety. Environmental groups say it can harm young children.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 30, 2017 at 04:14PM
Health & Science

NPR News: Fewer Zika-Linked Birth Defects Than Expected

Fewer Zika-Linked Birth Defects Than Expected
Scientists expected a surge of severe birth defects in Brazil because of the Zika outbreak. But that didn't happen last year. Researchers are re-examining the link between Zika and birth defects.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 30, 2017 at 04:14PM
Health & Science

NPR News: 'The VA Is On A Path Toward Recovery,' Secretary Of Veterans Affairs Says

'The VA Is On A Path Toward Recovery,' Secretary Of Veterans Affairs Says
Secretary of Veterans Affairs David Shulkin says preventing suicide among military veterans is his "number one clinical priority," and that he is working to fill some 45,000 open jobs in the agency.

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March 30, 2017 at 04:14PM
Health Care

NPR News: 'The VA Is On A Path Toward Recovery,' Secretary Of Veterans Affairs Says

'The VA Is On A Path Toward Recovery,' Secretary Of Veterans Affairs Says
Secretary of Veterans Affairs David Shulkin says preventing suicide among military veterans is his "number one clinical priority," and that he is working to fill some 45,000 open jobs in the agency.

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March 30, 2017 at 04:14PM
Health Care

baked Alaska: Word of the day for March 30, 2017

baked Alaska , n :
A dessert consisting of ice cream encased in cake and meringue and briefly baked. The dessert is said to have been named by Charles Ranhofer, chef of Delmonico's in New York City, New York, USA, to mark the latter’s purchase of Alaska from the Russian Empire in 1867, 150 years ago today. However, there is no contemporary report of this fact.
March 30, 2017

Wikipedia article of the day for March 30, 2017

The Wikipedia article of the day for March 30, 2017 is Juan Manuel de Rosas.
Juan Manuel de Rosas (30 March 1793 – 14 March 1877) was an army officer who ruled Buenos Aires Province and briefly the Argentine Confederation. Like other wealthy provincial warlords, Rosas enlisted rural workers from his landholdings in a private militia, and took part in the numerous disputes and civil wars in his country. He eventually became the undisputed leader of the Argentine army and the Federalist Party. In 1831, he signed the Federal Pact, recognizing provincial autonomy and creating the Argentine Confederation. He established a dictatorship and formed the repressive Mazorca, an armed parapolice that killed thousands of citizens. By 1848, after a war against the Peru–Bolivian Confederation, a blockade by France, and a revolt in his own province, he ruled all of Argentina, and was attempting to annex the neighboring nations of Uruguay and Paraguay. When the Empire of Brazil came to Uruguay's aid, Rosas declared war in August 1851. The short Platine War ended with the defeat of Rosas and his flight to Britain. His last years were spent in exile living as a tenant farmer.

NPR News: Climate-Friendly Coal Technology Works But Is Proving Difficult To Scale Up

Climate-Friendly Coal Technology Works But Is Proving Difficult To Scale Up
Capturing carbon emissions from coal plants would reduce coal's effect on climate change. But high costs and other factors have stymied efforts to use that technology at more U.S. power plants.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
March 30, 2017 at 04:56AM

NPR News: Where Levees Fail In California, Nature Can Step In To Nurture Rivers

Where Levees Fail In California, Nature Can Step In To Nurture Rivers
After devastating floods, California is looking to spend billions on dams and levees. Some are calling for a new approach to flood control, one that mimics nature instead of trying to contain it.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
March 30, 2017 at 04:20AM

NPR News: Missouri Rejects Federal Money In Order To Set Up Its Own Abortion Restrictions

Missouri Rejects Federal Money In Order To Set Up Its Own Abortion Restrictions
Abortion is already heavily restricted in Missouri, but now the state is cutting more funding to organizations that provide abortions, even though it means rejecting millions of dollars from the feds.

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March 30, 2017 at 04:21AM
Health Care

NPR News: Where Levees Fail In California, Nature Can Step In To Nurture Rivers

Where Levees Fail In California, Nature Can Step In To Nurture Rivers
After devastating floods, California is looking to spend billions on dams and levees. Some are calling for a new approach to flood control, one that mimics nature instead of trying to contain it.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 30, 2017 at 04:20AM
Health & Science

NPR News: Missouri Rejects Federal Money In Order To Set Up Its Own Abortion Restrictions

Missouri Rejects Federal Money In Order To Set Up Its Own Abortion Restrictions
Abortion is already heavily restricted in Missouri, but now the state is cutting more funding to organizations that provide abortions, even though it means rejecting millions of dollars from the feds.

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March 30, 2017 at 04:21AM
Health Care

Rob Roth Previews the Black Party, a ‘Night to Let Go of Your Inhibitions’

Mr. Roth, a multimedia artist from the Lower East Side, returns to the night life as the creative director of the granddaddy of the gay “circuit” parties, which turns 38 this year.
Parties (Social), Homosexuality and Bisexuality
March 29, 2017 at 07:00AM

NPR News: Launch, Land, Launch — SpaceX Tries Reusing Its Rocket

Launch, Land, Launch — SpaceX Tries Reusing Its Rocket
Later today, the private company SpaceX plans on launching a satellite using a rocket that it has launched once before. Reusing equipment could make it cheaper to do business in deep space.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 30, 2017 at 03:48AM
Health & Science

NPR News: Fishermen Catch 50 Pound Carp In The Middle Of Los Angeles

Fishermen Catch 50 Pound Carp In The Middle Of Los Angeles
MacArthur Park in the middle of Los Angles is not the most picturesque location, but it is where members of the California Ghetto Carping Club love to fish. And this week, it's where Eddie Salmeron caught the club's record fish, a 50 pound carp.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 30, 2017 at 03:41AM
Health & Science

The Modern Love Podcast: Ry Russo-Young Reads ‘Death Bear Will See You Now’

On this week’s podcast, the “Before I Fall” director reads Loren Berlin’s story of a woman who gets through a breakup with the help of a man in a bear suit.
Podcasts, Dating and Relationships
March 29, 2017 at 07:00AM

NPR News: Will The EPA Reject A Pesticide, Or Its Own Scientific Evidence?

Will The EPA Reject A Pesticide, Or Its Own Scientific Evidence?
The agency must decide this week whether to ban chlorpyrifos, a pesticide widely used on produce. The EPA thinks it could pose risks to consumers. But its new head made his name fighting such rules.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
March 30, 2017 at 03:02AM

NPR News: Will The EPA Reject A Pesticide, Or Its Own Scientific Evidence?

Will The EPA Reject A Pesticide, Or Its Own Scientific Evidence?
The agency must decide this week whether to ban chlorpyrifos, a pesticide widely used on produce. The EPA thinks it could pose risks to consumers. But its new head made his name fighting such rules.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 30, 2017 at 03:02AM
Health & Science

NPR News: Muslim Schoolchildren Bullied By Fellow Students And Teachers

Muslim Schoolchildren Bullied By Fellow Students And Teachers
One study revealed that teachers and school officials have participated in one in four bullying incidents involving Muslim students.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At March 30, 2017 at 01:36AM
Categoty Education

NPR News: Calls Mount For Ban On 'Cyanide Bombs' After Death Of Family Pet

Calls Mount For Ban On 'Cyanide Bombs' After Death Of Family Pet
An M-44, which sprays predators with sodium cyanide, detonated on a teen and his dog earlier this month in Idaho. Now the family and others are petitioning the USDA to end its use of the devices.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
March 30, 2017 at 01:15AM

Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 3, 2017

NPR News: 6 Changes The Trump Administration Can Still Make To Obamacare

6 Changes The Trump Administration Can Still Make To Obamacare
The Republican overhaul bill died, but the health care drama continues. There are lots of ways the administration can change the Affordable Care Act, without congressional approval.

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March 29, 2017 at 11:27PM
Health Care

NPR News: 6 Changes The Trump Administration Can Still Make To Obamacare

6 Changes The Trump Administration Can Still Make To Obamacare
The Republican overhaul bill died, but the health care drama continues. There are lots of ways the administration can change the Affordable Care Act, without congressional approval.

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March 29, 2017 at 11:27PM
Health Care

NPR News: HPV Vaccine Could Protect More People With Fewer Doses, Doctors Insist

HPV Vaccine Could Protect More People With Fewer Doses, Doctors Insist
In the U.S., there are about 39,000 cancers associated with the human papillomavirus each year. Doctors say the new HPV vaccine may help reduce the number of cases.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 29, 2017 at 09:21PM
Health & Science

NPR News: HPV Vaccine Could Protect More People With Fewer Doses, Doctors Insist

HPV Vaccine Could Protect More People With Fewer Doses, Doctors Insist
In the U.S., there are about 39,000 cancers associated with the human papillomavirus each year. Doctors say the new HPV vaccine may help reduce the number of cases.

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Children's Health
March 29, 2017 at 09:21PM

NPR News: The Tahri That Binds: How A Sweet Rice Dish Connects A Woman To Her History

The Tahri That Binds: How A Sweet Rice Dish Connects A Woman To Her History
Making the traditional foods of home on the holiday of Cheti Chand — which falls on March 29 this year — helps a member of the Hindu Sindhi diaspora feel less disjointed.

Dọc thêm tại NPR
March 29, 2017 at 04:51PM

NPR News: Measuring The Impact Of Rolling Back Environmental Regulations

Measuring The Impact Of Rolling Back Environmental Regulations
President Trump's environmental order proposes rolling back regulations. David Greene speaks with John Larsen of the Rhodium Group about the impact those rollbacks could have on emissions levels.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
March 29, 2017 at 04:07PM

NPR News: California Doubles Down On Efforts To Slow Climate Change

California Doubles Down On Efforts To Slow Climate Change
The Trump administration said it would review tail pipe emissions and fuel standards. But the state of California is doing more to curb emissions from cars.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
March 29, 2017 at 04:07PM

NPR News: Passengers Take Flight To View Southern Lights

Passengers Take Flight To View Southern Lights
The Aurora Australis is a display of neon green lights that dance across the southern skies. A plane took off from New Zealand to get a special view.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
March 29, 2017 at 04:07PM

NPR News: Former Rep. Bob Inglis On Trump Environmental Regulation Rollbacks

Former Rep. Bob Inglis On Trump Environmental Regulation Rollbacks
President Trump has signed an executive order intended to roll back climate change regulations. David Greene speaks with former Republican Rep. Bob Inglis about the implications.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
March 29, 2017 at 04:07PM

NPR News: Scientists Who Want To Study Climate Engineering Shun Trump

Scientists Who Want To Study Climate Engineering Shun Trump
The controversial study of climate engineering — aka deliberately messing with Earth's temperature — was finally starting to regain a measure of respectability. And then came President Trump.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
March 29, 2017 at 04:07PM

NPR News: Measuring The Impact Of Rolling Back Environmental Regulations

Measuring The Impact Of Rolling Back Environmental Regulations
President Trump's environmental order proposes rolling back regulations. David Greene speaks with John Larsen of the Rhodium Group about the impact those rollbacks could have on emissions levels.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 29, 2017 at 04:07PM
Health & Science

NPR News: Passengers Take Flight To View Southern Lights

Passengers Take Flight To View Southern Lights
The Aurora Australis is a display of neon green lights that dance across the southern skies. A plane took off from New Zealand to get a special view.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 29, 2017 at 04:07PM
Health & Science

NPR News: Scientists Who Want To Study Climate Engineering Shun Trump

Scientists Who Want To Study Climate Engineering Shun Trump
The controversial study of climate engineering — aka deliberately messing with Earth's temperature — was finally starting to regain a measure of respectability. And then came President Trump.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 29, 2017 at 04:07PM
Health & Science

NPR News: A New Kind Of March Madness Hits Schools

A New Kind Of March Madness Hits Schools
It's March Mammal Madness, a bracket with real animals facing off in fictional battles. Hundreds of science classes are playing in schools around the country.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 29, 2017 at 03:23PM
Health & Science

NPR News: A New Kind Of March Madness Hits Schools

A New Kind Of March Madness Hits Schools
It's March Mammal Madness, a bracket with real animals facing off in fictional battles. Hundreds of science classes are playing in schools around the country.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At March 29, 2017 at 03:23PM
Categoty Education

Wikipedia article of the day for March 29, 2017

The Wikipedia article of the day for March 29, 2017 is Boise National Forest.
Boise National Forest is a federally protected area of the U.S. state of Idaho in the national forest system. Created in 1908 from part of Sawtooth National Forest, it is managed by the U.S. Forest Service. The Idaho Batholith underlies most of Boise National Forest, forming its Boise, Salmon River, and West mountain ranges; the forest reaches a maximum elevation of 9,730 feet (2,970 m) on Steel Mountain. Common land cover includes sagebrush steppe and spruce-fir forests. It contains 75 percent of the known populations of Sacajawea's bitterroot, a flowering plant endemic to Idaho. The Shoshone people occupied the forest before European settlers, and archeological sites have been found along rivers in the area. Trappers and fur traders of European descent arrived in the area in the early 1800s, starting with John Jacob Astor's Pacific Fur Company in 1811. The first settlers moved into the mountains in the 1860s after gold was discovered. The gold rush forced many of the Shoshone out and led to conflicts including the Bannock War in southern Idaho. Tungsten, silver, antimony, and gold were mined in the forest until the mid-twentieth century.

NPR News: Paralyzed Man Uses Thoughts to Control his Own Arm and Hand

Paralyzed Man Uses Thoughts to Control his Own Arm and Hand
A spinal injury severed the connection between Bill Kochevar's brain and everything below his shoulders. But technology has given him a new way to control one arm and hand.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 29, 2017 at 06:42AM
Health & Science

NPR News: Mayor Of Wyoming Coal Town Reacts To Trump's Climate Order

Mayor Of Wyoming Coal Town Reacts To Trump's Climate Order
NPR's Ari Shapiro talks with Louise Carter-King, mayor of Gillette, Wyo., about the impact that President Trump's executive order loosening regulations on coal will have on the the town.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
March 29, 2017 at 03:32AM

NPR News: Trump Signs Executive Order Rolling Back Regulation On Carbon Emissions

Trump Signs Executive Order Rolling Back Regulation On Carbon Emissions
President Trump signed a sweeping set of executive orders on Tuesday that aim to dismantle the Obama administration's efforts to combat climate change.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
March 29, 2017 at 03:32AM

NPR News: Through Regulation, Trump Could Dismantle Parts Of Obamacare

Through Regulation, Trump Could Dismantle Parts Of Obamacare
NPR's Ari Shapiro talks with Sarah Kliff of Vox about how Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price could dismantle parts of the Affordable Care Act through regulations.

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March 29, 2017 at 03:32AM
Health Care

NPR News: Mayor Of Wyoming Coal Town Reacts To Trump's Climate Order

Mayor Of Wyoming Coal Town Reacts To Trump's Climate Order
NPR's Ari Shapiro talks with Louise Carter-King, mayor of Gillette, Wyo., about the impact that President Trump's executive order loosening regulations on coal will have on the the town.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 29, 2017 at 03:32AM
Health & Science

NPR News: Trump Signs Executive Order Rolling Back Regulation On Carbon Emissions

Trump Signs Executive Order Rolling Back Regulation On Carbon Emissions
President Trump signed a sweeping set of executive orders on Tuesday that aim to dismantle the Obama administration's efforts to combat climate change.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 29, 2017 at 03:32AM
Health & Science

NPR News: Through Regulation, Trump Could Dismantle Parts Of Obamacare

Through Regulation, Trump Could Dismantle Parts Of Obamacare
NPR's Ari Shapiro talks with Sarah Kliff of Vox about how Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price could dismantle parts of the Affordable Care Act through regulations.

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March 29, 2017 at 03:32AM
Health Care

NPR News: Device Mimicking Female Reproductive Cycle Could Aid Research

Device Mimicking Female Reproductive Cycle Could Aid Research
Scientists have assembled a lab system from living tissue that can replicate a woman's 28-day hormonal cycle. The goal is to use the system to find new ways to treat a host of women's health problems.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 29, 2017 at 01:32AM
Health & Science

NPR News: House GOP Says Health Care Fight Not Over, But Offers No Path Forward

House GOP Says Health Care Fight Not Over, But Offers No Path Forward
House Republicans say they will try again to advance a bill to repeal and replace key pillars of President Obama's health care law.

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March 29, 2017 at 01:23AM
Health Care

NPR News: House GOP Says Health Care Fight Not Over, But Offers No Path Forward

House GOP Says Health Care Fight Not Over, But Offers No Path Forward
House Republicans say they will try again to advance a bill to repeal and replace key pillars of President Obama's health care law.

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March 29, 2017 at 01:23AM
Health Care

NPR News: Justice Department Joins Second Lawsuit Against UnitedHealth

Justice Department Joins Second Lawsuit Against UnitedHealth
At issue are alleged overpayments from the government to the the insurer UnitedHealth Group, which runs popular Medicare Advantage plans.

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March 29, 2017 at 12:50AM
Health Care

NPR News: Justice Department Joins Second Lawsuit Against UnitedHealth

Justice Department Joins Second Lawsuit Against UnitedHealth
At issue are alleged overpayments from the government to the the insurer UnitedHealth Group, which runs popular Medicare Advantage plans.

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March 29, 2017 at 12:50AM
Health Care

Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 3, 2017

NPR News: The Truth Is, Lying Might Not Be So Bad

The Truth Is, Lying Might Not Be So Bad
With repeated lies, the brain becomes less and less sensitive to dishonesty, supporting ever larger acts of dishonesty. But why do we lie and is it such a terrible thing if we do?

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 28, 2017 at 04:01PM
Health & Science

NPR News: Expected Executive Actions On Climate Change Policies Aim To Ensure Focus On Energy Independence

Expected Executive Actions On Climate Change Policies Aim To Ensure Focus On Energy Independence
President Trump will sign executive actions Tuesday that aim to roll back a sweeping set of climate policies put in place by the Obama administration. A moratorium on new coal leases on public lands, a rule designed to address methane emissions from oil and gas operations and the Clean Power Plan, will all get a review.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 28, 2017 at 04:01PM
Health & Science

NPR News: Expected Executive Actions On Climate Change Policies Aim To Ensure Focus On Energy Independence

Expected Executive Actions On Climate Change Policies Aim To Ensure Focus On Energy Independence
President Trump will sign executive actions Tuesday that aim to roll back a sweeping set of climate policies put in place by the Obama administration. A moratorium on new coal leases on public lands, a rule designed to address methane emissions from oil and gas operations and the Clean Power Plan, will all get a review.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
March 28, 2017 at 04:01PM

NPR News: Trump Takes Aim At A Centerpiece Of Obama's Environmental Legacy

Trump Takes Aim At A Centerpiece Of Obama's Environmental Legacy
The Trump administration aims to roll back the Clean Power Plan, which limits emissions from power plants, lift the moratorium on federal coal leases and change the "social cost of carbon" policy.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
March 28, 2017 at 03:09PM

NPR News: Google Hopes To Hire More Black Engineers By Bringing Students To Silicon Valley

Google Hopes To Hire More Black Engineers By Bringing Students To Silicon Valley
Howard, the historically black university in Washington, D.C., is sending computer science students to study at Google's headquarters in California, as part of an effort called Howard West.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At March 28, 2017 at 06:45PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: Study Suggests Childhood Exposure To Lead Can Blunt IQ For Decades

Study Suggests Childhood Exposure To Lead Can Blunt IQ For Decades
Researchers following a group of New Zealanders over the course of 40 years found an association between childhood lead exposure and declines in intelligence and socioeconomic status later in life.

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Children's Health
March 28, 2017 at 10:02PM

NPR News: What Gave Some Primates Bigger Brains? A Fruit-Filled Diet

What Gave Some Primates Bigger Brains? A Fruit-Filled Diet
A new study suggests that diet had a big influence in driving the evolution of brain size in primates. Monkeys who thrive on fruit have bigger brains than their plant eating neighbors.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
March 28, 2017 at 03:49AM

NPR News: What Gave Some Primates Bigger Brains? A Fruit-Filled Diet

What Gave Some Primates Bigger Brains? A Fruit-Filled Diet
A new study suggests that diet had a big influence in driving the evolution of brain size in primates. Monkeys who thrive on fruit have bigger brains than their plant eating neighbors.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 28, 2017 at 03:49AM
Health & Science

NPR News: Proposed Budget Cuts Slash Funding For Great Lakes Clean-Up

Proposed Budget Cuts Slash Funding For Great Lakes Clean-Up
Proposed White House budget cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency and other agencies will end federal spending on Great Lakes clean-up. That includes axing work on invasive species like Asian carp and a public health program that protects drinking water from toxic algae for 11 million residents around Lake Erie.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 28, 2017 at 03:28AM
Health & Science

NPR News: Trump's Plan To Ditch Clean Power Plan Threatens Paris Agreement

Trump's Plan To Ditch Clean Power Plan Threatens Paris Agreement
President Trump is expected to ditch the Clean Power Plan this week. The CPP regulations would reduce emissions of greenhouse gases that warm the planet. Without it, the U.S. won't live up to its pledge, made in Paris in 2015, to make deep cuts in emissions. That could jeopardize the Paris deal, in which nearly 200 nations made similar pledges.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 28, 2017 at 03:28AM
Health & Science

NPR News: Former Obama Official Outlines What Parts Of Obamacare Need Strengthening

Former Obama Official Outlines What Parts Of Obamacare Need Strengthening
Kavita Patel worked for the Obama administration and helped draft the Affordable Care Act. She tells NPR's Kelly McEvers about the single biggest area of the health care law that she sees as in need of strengthening.

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March 28, 2017 at 03:28AM
Health Care

NPR News: After GOP Health Bill Failure, What's Next For The Affordable Care Act?

After GOP Health Bill Failure, What's Next For The Affordable Care Act?
The Affordable Care Act is here to stay — for a while at least. NPR looks at tweaks that could help stabilize the health law's marketplaces.

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March 28, 2017 at 03:28AM
Health Care

NPR News: Former Obama Official Outlines What Parts Of Obamacare Need Strengthening

Former Obama Official Outlines What Parts Of Obamacare Need Strengthening
Kavita Patel worked for the Obama administration and helped draft the Affordable Care Act. She tells NPR's Kelly McEvers about the single biggest area of the health care law that she sees as in need of strengthening.

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March 28, 2017 at 03:28AM
Health Care

NPR News: After GOP Health Bill Failure, What's Next For The Affordable Care Act?

After GOP Health Bill Failure, What's Next For The Affordable Care Act?
The Affordable Care Act is here to stay — for a while at least. NPR looks at tweaks that could help stabilize the health law's marketplaces.

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March 28, 2017 at 03:28AM
Health Care

NPR News: Proposed Budget Cuts Slash Funding For Great Lakes Clean-Up

Proposed Budget Cuts Slash Funding For Great Lakes Clean-Up
Proposed White House budget cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency and other agencies will end federal spending on Great Lakes clean-up. That includes axing work on invasive species like Asian carp and a public health program that protects drinking water from toxic algae for 11 million residents around Lake Erie.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
March 28, 2017 at 03:28AM

NPR News: Trump's Plan To Ditch Clean Power Plan Threatens Paris Agreement

Trump's Plan To Ditch Clean Power Plan Threatens Paris Agreement
President Trump is expected to ditch the Clean Power Plan this week. The CPP regulations would reduce emissions of greenhouse gases that warm the planet. Without it, the U.S. won't live up to its pledge, made in Paris in 2015, to make deep cuts in emissions. That could jeopardize the Paris deal, in which nearly 200 nations made similar pledges.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
March 28, 2017 at 03:28AM

NPR News: College Classes In Maximum Security: 'It Gives You Meaning'

College Classes In Maximum Security: 'It Gives You Meaning'
A privately funded program provides higher education to about 300 students in New York state prisons. Graduates are less likely to get in legal trouble after prison but getting hired is a challenge.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At March 28, 2017 at 12:55AM
Categoty Education

NPR News: How For-Profit Colleges Sell 'Risky Education' To The Most Vulnerable

How For-Profit Colleges Sell 'Risky Education' To The Most Vulnerable
Tressie McMillan Cottom worked in enrollment at two for-profit colleges, but quit because she felt uncomfortable selling students an education they couldn't afford. Her new book is Lower Ed.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At March 28, 2017 at 12:49AM
Categoty Education

Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 3, 2017

NPR News: Breast-Fed Kids May Be Less Hyper, But Not Necessarily Smarter, Study Finds

Breast-Fed Kids May Be Less Hyper, But Not Necessarily Smarter, Study Finds
Prior research points to an association between breast-feeding and higher intelligence, but a new study finds no causal link. The study does find that breast-fed kids are less hyperactive at age 3.

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Children's Health
March 27, 2017 at 04:06PM

NPR News: For Gideon, Infection With a Common Virus Caused Rare Birth Defects

For Gideon, Infection With a Common Virus Caused Rare Birth Defects
Cytomegalovirus is everywhere, and it usually doesn't make people sick. But if a woman gets infected while pregnant, in rare cases it can cause serious problems for the baby.

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Children's Health
March 27, 2017 at 04:06PM

NPR News: For Gideon, Infection With a Common Virus Caused Rare Birth Defects

For Gideon, Infection With a Common Virus Caused Rare Birth Defects
Cytomegalovirus is everywhere, and it usually doesn't make people sick. But if a woman gets infected while pregnant, in rare cases it can cause serious problems for the baby.

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March 27, 2017 at 04:06PM
Health Care

NPR News: What's Next For Health Care On The Hill?

What's Next For Health Care On The Hill?
It could be a tough week for President Trump and Capitol Hill, after struggling to pass the health care replacement bill. Jim Hobart, a Republican pollster, talks us through what to expect.

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March 27, 2017 at 04:06PM
Health Care

NPR News: For Gideon, Infection With a Common Virus Caused Rare Birth Defects

For Gideon, Infection With a Common Virus Caused Rare Birth Defects
Cytomegalovirus is everywhere, and it usually doesn't make people sick. But if a woman gets infected while pregnant, in rare cases it can cause serious problems for the baby.

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March 27, 2017 at 04:06PM
Health Care

NPR News: What's Next For Health Care On The Hill?

What's Next For Health Care On The Hill?
It could be a tough week for President Trump and Capitol Hill, after struggling to pass the health care replacement bill. Jim Hobart, a Republican pollster, talks us through what to expect.

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March 27, 2017 at 04:06PM
Health Care

NPR News: Breast-Fed Kids May Be Less Hyper, But Not Necessarily Smarter, Study Finds

Breast-Fed Kids May Be Less Hyper, But Not Necessarily Smarter, Study Finds
Prior research points to an association between breast-feeding and higher intelligence, but a new study finds no causal link. The study does find that breast-fed kids are less hyperactive at age 3.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 27, 2017 at 04:06PM
Health & Science

NPR News: EPA Chief: Trump Plans To Kill Obama-era Clean Power Plan

EPA Chief: Trump Plans To Kill Obama-era Clean Power Plan
The Trump administration is expected this week to unveil its executive order undoing President Obama's Clean Power Plan, which aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 27, 2017 at 04:06PM
Health & Science

NPR News: EPA Chief: Trump Plans To Kill Obama-era Clean Power Plan

EPA Chief: Trump Plans To Kill Obama-era Clean Power Plan
The Trump administration is expected this week to unveil its executive order undoing President Obama's Clean Power Plan, which aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
March 27, 2017 at 04:06PM

NPR News: 'Open Schools' Made Noise In The 70s, Now They're Just Noisy

'Open Schools' Made Noise In The 70s, Now They're Just Noisy
'Open Education' was a big idea half a century ago. Kids were supposed to move around, learning in groups or exploring on their own. But, within a few years, the movement faded. So, what happened?

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At March 27, 2017 at 03:27PM
Categoty Education

begging the question: Word of the day for March 27, 2017

begging the question , n :
A logical fallacy in which a premise of an argument contains a direct or indirect assumption that the conclusion is true; offering a circular argument; circular reasoning.
March 27, 2017

Wikipedia article of the day for March 27, 2017

The Wikipedia article of the day for March 27, 2017 is Mayabazar.
Mayabazar (Market of Illusions) is an Indian epic fantasy film directed by Kadiri Venkata Reddy and produced by B. Nagi Reddy and Aluri Chakrapani, first released on 27 March 1957. The film was shot in Telugu and Tamil with the same title, but with a few differences in the cast. The story is an adaptation of the folk tale Sasirekha Parinayam, which in turn is based on the epic Mahabharata. It tells the story of Krishna (N. T. Rama Rao) and Ghatotkacha (S. V. Ranga Rao), who try to reunite Arjuna's son Abhimanyu with his love, Balarama's daughter (Savitri). Though Rama Rao was initially reluctant to play the lead role, his portrayal of Krishna received acclaim and yielded more offers to reprise the same role in several unrelated films. Most of the musical score was composed by Ghantasala. Both versions of the film were critically and commercially successful. The film is considered a landmark in both Telugu and Tamil cinema, with praise for its cast and technical accomplishments, despite the limitations of the technology at the time. A May 2013 CNN-News18 poll listed Mayabazar as the greatest Indian film of all time.

NPR News: In Conflict With Trump Agenda, California Sets Stricter Auto Emissions Standards

In Conflict With Trump Agenda, California Sets Stricter Auto Emissions Standards
California put itself on a collision course with the Trump Administration as the state's clean air agency moved forward with stricter emissions requirements for trucks and cars.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
March 27, 2017 at 05:26AM

NPR News: Words You'll Hear: Freedom Caucus' Role In Health Care Bill Withdrawal

Words You'll Hear: Freedom Caucus' Role In Health Care Bill Withdrawal
We look at the House Freedom Caucus, a key Republican faction that opposed the American Health Care Act. The GOP healthcare bill was later withdrawn over lack of support.

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March 27, 2017 at 05:26AM
Health Care

NPR News: Words You'll Hear: Freedom Caucus' Role In Health Care Bill Withdrawal

Words You'll Hear: Freedom Caucus' Role In Health Care Bill Withdrawal
We look at the House Freedom Caucus, a key Republican faction that opposed the American Health Care Act. The GOP healthcare bill was later withdrawn over lack of support.

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March 27, 2017 at 05:26AM
Health Care

NPR News: In Conflict With Trump Agenda, California Sets Stricter Auto Emissions Standards

In Conflict With Trump Agenda, California Sets Stricter Auto Emissions Standards
California put itself on a collision course with the Trump Administration as the state's clean air agency moved forward with stricter emissions requirements for trucks and cars.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 27, 2017 at 05:26AM
Health & Science

NPR News: Concerns After Texas School Opens 'Prayer Room' That's Attracting Muslim Students

Concerns After Texas School Opens 'Prayer Room' That's Attracting Muslim Students
The state attorney general has raised constitutional questions about a public school's move to establish a room to accommodate all students and their religions. The debate has embroiled the community.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At March 27, 2017 at 05:26AM
Categoty Education

Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 3, 2017

NPR News: To Put You At Ease With Creepy-Crawlies, Entomologists Face Your Fears

To Put You At Ease With Creepy-Crawlies, Entomologists Face Your Fears
Nancy Miorelli posts photos of insects on her face on social media in hopes that the images will help normalize insects.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 26, 2017 at 09:00PM
Health & Science

NPR News: Telehealth Doctor Visits May Be Handy, But Aren't Cheaper Overall

Telehealth Doctor Visits May Be Handy, But Aren't Cheaper Overall
Many patients like the convenience of being able to quickly consult a doctor by text or phone or webcam instead of heading to an urgent care clinic. But the cost of consultations can add up.

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Children's Health
March 26, 2017 at 07:00PM

NPR News: Analyzing Obamacare's Impact In Arizona

Analyzing Obamacare's Impact In Arizona
With the collapse of the Republicans' health care bill, we consider the impact on Arizona, a state where many have benefited from Obamacare, but others have been hard hit by rising insurance premiums.

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March 26, 2017 at 07:14PM
Health Care

NPR News: Trendy Hospital Clothing To Make Cancer Patients Dress 'Well' Even When Unwell

Trendy Hospital Clothing To Make Cancer Patients Dress 'Well' Even When Unwell
A trio of European women has launched INGA Wellbeing fashion line to help alleviate the dehumanizing experience many patients endure when wearing the traditional, uncomfortable hospital gowns.

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March 26, 2017 at 07:13PM
Health Care

NPR News: In Chile, Landowner Makes The Largest Private Donation Of Land To A Government

In Chile, Landowner Makes The Largest Private Donation Of Land To A Government
Kristine Tompkins, whose husband founded The North Face clothing company, tells Lulu Garcia-Navarro about her decision to donate a million acres of land she owns in Patagonia to Chile's government.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
March 26, 2017 at 07:14PM

NPR News: Analyzing Obamacare's Impact In Arizona

Analyzing Obamacare's Impact In Arizona
With the collapse of the Republicans' health care bill, we consider the impact on Arizona, a state where many have benefited from Obamacare, but others have been hard hit by rising insurance premiums.

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March 26, 2017 at 07:14PM
Health Care

NPR News: Trendy Hospital Clothing To Make Cancer Patients Dress 'Well' Even When Unwell

Trendy Hospital Clothing To Make Cancer Patients Dress 'Well' Even When Unwell
A trio of European women has launched INGA Wellbeing fashion line to help alleviate the dehumanizing experience many patients endure when wearing the traditional, uncomfortable hospital gowns.

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March 26, 2017 at 07:13PM
Health Care

NPR News: Telehealth Doctor Visits May Be Handy, But Aren't Cheaper Overall

Telehealth Doctor Visits May Be Handy, But Aren't Cheaper Overall
Many patients like the convenience of being able to quickly consult a doctor by text or phone or webcam instead of heading to an urgent care clinic. But the cost of consultations can add up.

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March 26, 2017 at 07:00PM
Health Care

NPR News: Telehealth Doctor Visits May Be Handy, But Aren't Cheaper Overall

Telehealth Doctor Visits May Be Handy, But Aren't Cheaper Overall
Many patients like the convenience of being able to quickly consult a doctor by text or phone or webcam instead of heading to an urgent care clinic. But the cost of consultations can add up.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at March 26, 2017 at 07:00PM
Health & Science

NPR News: Telehealth Doctor Visits May Be Handy, But Aren't Cheaper Overall

Telehealth Doctor Visits May Be Handy, But Aren't Cheaper Overall
Many patients like the convenience of being able to quickly consult a doctor by text or phone or webcam instead of heading to an urgent care clinic. But the cost of consultations can add up.

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March 26, 2017 at 07:00PM
Health Care

NPR News: States Give New Parents Baby Boxes To Encourge Safe Sleep Habits

States Give New Parents Baby Boxes To Encourge Safe Sleep Habits
The baby boxes that Finland gives to all new mothers are legendary. Now states in the U.S. are experimenting with them as a way to encourage safe sleep practices and reduce SIDS.

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Children's Health
March 26, 2017 at 04:00PM

NPR News: States Give New Parents Baby Boxes To Encourge Safe Sleep Habits

States Give New Parents Baby Boxes To Encourge Safe Sleep Habits
The baby boxes that Finland gives to all new mothers are legendary. Now states in the U.S. are experimenting with them as a way to encourage safe sleep practices and reduce SIDS.

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March 26, 2017 at 04:00PM
Health Care

NPR News: States Give New Parents Baby Boxes To Encourge Safe Sleep Habits

States Give New Parents Baby Boxes To Encourge Safe Sleep Habits
The baby boxes that Finland gives to all new mothers are legendary. Now states in the U.S. are experimenting with them as a way to encourage safe sleep practices and reduce SIDS.

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March 26, 2017 at 04:00PM
Health Care