Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 2, 2018

NPR News: Biometric Data And The Rise Of Digital Dictatorship

Biometric Data And The Rise Of Digital Dictatorship As historian and author Yuval Harari suggests, market forces and investor greed will keep moving the data revolution forward. But there are balancing forces to this onslaught, says Marcelo Gleiser. Đọc thêm tại NPR at February 28, 2018 at 11:42PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: Researchers Haven't Found A Single Endangered Right Whale Calf Yet This Season

Researchers Haven't Found A Single Endangered Right Whale Calf Yet This Season "The right whales are at a point where more are dying than are being born," biologist Clay George says. "That's just not sustainable long-term." Đọc tiếp trên NPR February 28, 2018 at 09:00PM Environme...

NPR News: Researchers Haven't Found A Single Endangered Right Whale Calf Yet This Season

Researchers Haven't Found A Single Endangered Right Whale Calf Yet This Season "The right whales are at a point where more are dying than are being born," biologist Clay George says. "That's just not sustainable long-term." Đọc thêm tại NPR at February 28, 2018 at 09:00PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: The Rise Of Yeast: How Civilization Was Shaped By Sugar Fungi

The Rise Of Yeast: How Civilization Was Shaped By Sugar Fungi Without yeast, bread wouldn't rise and beer wouldn't foam. As Nicholas Money's new book, The Rise of Yeast, points out, it leaves its mark on other foods, too, including coffee, and even chocolate. Đọc thêm tại NPR at February 28, 2018 at 08:00PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: Too Late To Operate? Surgery Near End Of Life Is Common, Costly

Too Late To Operate? Surgery Near End Of Life Is Common, Costly Nearly 1 in 3 Medicare patients undergoes an operation in the final year of life. The benefits are often limited, but the costs and side effects can be substantial. Read more on NPR February 28, 2018 at 07:01PM Health Ca...

NPR News: Too Late To Operate? Surgery Near End Of Life Is Common, Costly

Too Late To Operate? Surgery Near End Of Life Is Common, Costly Nearly 1 in 3 Medicare patients undergoes an operation in the final year of life. The benefits are often limited, but the costs and side effects can be substantial. Read more on NPR February 28, 2018 at 07:01PM Health Ca...

NPR News: Send In The Clones: Barbra Streisand Reveals Fluffy Canine Copies

Send In The Clones: Barbra Streisand Reveals Fluffy Canine Copies In an interview with Variety magazine, the legendary singer/filmmaker dropped a bombshell: two of her three coton de tulears are clones of a favorite canine who died last year. Đọc thêm tại NPR at February 28, 2018 at 06:30PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: Though Prices Aren't As High As Before, West Texas Enjoys Oil Revival

Though Prices Aren't As High As Before, West Texas Enjoys Oil Revival The U.S. is on track to surpass Saudi Arabia and Russia next year to become the world's biggest oil producer — pumping out more crude than at its peak nearly half a century ago. Đọc thêm tại NPR at February 28, 2018 at 05:03PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: West Virginia Teachers Ending Strike

West Virginia Teachers Ending Strike West Virginia teachers are ending their strike, which has shut down all of the public schools since last Thursday. Union leaders met with Gov. Jim Justice, and they have settled on higher pay rates. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At February 28, 2018 at 09:01AM Categoty Educati...

Wikipedia article of the day for February 28, 2018

The Wikipedia article of the day for February 28, 2018 is Flight Unlimited III. Flight Unlimited III is a 1999 flight simulator video game developed by Looking Glass Studios and published by Electronic Arts. It allows players to pilot reproductions of real-world commercial and civilian aircraft in and around Seattle in the US state of Washington. Players may fly freely or engage in challenges such...

saloop: Word of the day for February 28, 2018

saloop , n : (dated) An aromatic drink originally prepared from salep and later from sassafras bark with other ingredients such as milk and sugar added, which was once popular in London, England. The berry saltbush or red berry saltbush (Chenopodium hastatum, syns. Einadia hastata and Rhagodia hastata), a small plant found in coastal and inland areas of eastern Australia. Alternative form of salep...

NPR News: German Court Will Let Cities Ban Some Diesel Cars To Decrease Pollution

German Court Will Let Cities Ban Some Diesel Cars To Decrease Pollution A German court has ruled that cities may bans diesel cars in order to bring down emissions levels. Đọc thêm tại NPR at February 28, 2018 at 06:20AM Health & Scien...

NPR News: German Court Will Let Cities Ban Some Diesel Cars To Decrease Pollution

German Court Will Let Cities Ban Some Diesel Cars To Decrease Pollution A German court has ruled that cities may bans diesel cars in order to bring down emissions levels. Đọc tiếp trên NPR February 28, 2018 at 06:20AM Environme...

NPR News: Pregnancy Rate Might Predict Future Recessions, Researchers Suggest

Pregnancy Rate Might Predict Future Recessions, Researchers Suggest Conventional wisdom holds that fertility rates go down in response to an economic downturn. But a new study found that conception rates begin to drop before a recession actually begins. Đọc thêm tại NPR at February 28, 2018 at 06:05AM Health & Scien...

NPR News: German High Court Rules That Cities Can Ban Diesel Vehicles To Reduce Pollution

German High Court Rules That Cities Can Ban Diesel Vehicles To Reduce Pollution A high court in Germany says a city suffering from excessive air pollution can ban older diesel vehicles from its streets, if officials cannot find other ways to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions to E.U.-mandated levels. Đọc tiếp trên NPR February 28, 2018 at 04:03AM Environme...

NPR News: West Virginia Teacher Outline Strikers Demands, Discusses Potential Remedies

West Virginia Teacher Outline Strikers Demands, Discusses Potential Remedies NPR's Ailsa Chang speaks with Brianne Solomon, a teacher on strike in West Virginia. Solomon talks about the demands being made by strikers, and why she thinks remedies offered by the state aren't acceptable. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At February 28, 2018 at 04:03AM Categoty Educati...

NPR News: 'We Were In That School': Parkland Students Prepare To Return After Shooting

'We Were In That School': Parkland Students Prepare To Return After Shooting Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students return to school Wednesday after surviving a shooting there. Sophomore Gabe Glassman captures what day-to-day life is like for these students now. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At February 28, 2018 at 03:46AM Categoty Educati...

NPR News: Children's Publishing House Takes Food Literacy Literally

Children's Publishing House Takes Food Literacy Literally Teaching kids how to eat healthfully and appreciate the cultural diversity of food begins with getting books about these themes into their hands, says Readers to Eaters' founding publisher. Đọc thêm tại NPR at February 28, 2018 at 02:48AM Health & Scien...

Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 2, 2018

NPR News: Can Nuclear Power Plants Generate Artistic Inspiration?

Can Nuclear Power Plants Generate Artistic Inspiration? "Nuclear" artists see motivating muses where others see only grey buildings, drab fences, and white steam piping out of concrete cooling towers, says guest commentator Vincent Ialenti. Dọc thêm tại NPR Opinion February 27, 2018 at 10:19...

NPR News: Education Department Wants To Protect Student-Loan Debt Collectors

Education Department Wants To Protect Student-Loan Debt Collectors The Trump administration is considering a policy change to prevent states from making tough demands of companies that collect student loan debt, according to an internal document obtained by NPR. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At February 27, 2018 at 10:40PM Categoty Educati...

NPR News: Can Nuclear Power Plants Generate Artistic Inspiration?

Can Nuclear Power Plants Generate Artistic Inspiration? "Nuclear" artists see motivating muses where others see only grey buildings, drab fences, and white steam piping out of concrete cooling towers, says guest commentator Vincent Ialenti. Đọc thêm tại NPR at February 27, 2018 at 10:19PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: West Virginia Teachers Strike Enters Its 4th Day

West Virginia Teachers Strike Enters Its 4th Day Teachers and other school employees are on strike. They're calling for higher pay and better health care. And they oppose bills they think will hurt the state's ability to hire quality teachers. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At February 27, 2018 at 05:02PM Categoty Educati...

NPR News: Your 2018 Health Plan Must Comply With ACA Rules Or You Risk Tax Penalties

Your 2018 Health Plan Must Comply With ACA Rules Or You Risk Tax Penalties The tax reform law passed in December did repeal the Affordable Care Act's penalties for not having comprehensive health insurance. But the penalties are still in effect until 2019. Read more on NPR February 27, 2018 at 05:00PM Health Ca...

NPR News: Your 2018 Health Plan Must Comply With ACA Rules Or You Risk Tax Penalties

Your 2018 Health Plan Must Comply With ACA Rules Or You Risk Tax Penalties The tax reform law passed in December did repeal the Affordable Care Act's penalties for not having comprehensive health insurance. But the penalties are still in effect until 2019. Read more on NPR February 27, 2018 at 05:00PM Health Ca...

NPR News: Your 2018 Health Plan Must Comply With ACA Rules Or You Risk Tax Penalties

Your 2018 Health Plan Must Comply With ACA Rules Or You Risk Tax Penalties The tax reform law passed in December did repeal the Affordable Care Act's penalties for not having comprehensive health insurance. But the penalties are still in effect until 2019. Read more on NPR Children's Health February 27, 2018 at 05:00...

minaudière: Word of the day for February 27, 2018

minaudière , n : (obsolete) A woman who is exaggeratedly affected or coquettish. A type of formal, decorative women's clutch bag without handles or a strap. Today is the start of Paris Fashion Week for women’s fashion in 2018. February 27, 20...

Wikipedia article of the day for February 27, 2018

The Wikipedia article of the day for February 27, 2018 is Olivia Manning. Olivia Manning (1908–1980) was a British novelist, poet, writer and reviewer. Her fiction and non-fiction, frequently detailing journeys and personal odysseys, were principally set in England, Ireland, Europe and the Middle East. Her first serious novel, The Wind Changes, was published in 1937. She lived in Bucharest, Romania,...

NPR News: Scientists Predict King Penguins Face Major Threats Due To Climate Change

Scientists Predict King Penguins Face Major Threats Due To Climate Change The researchers say the problem is their primary source of food is moving further away from places where the animals can breed. They're likely going to have to swim farther for their dinner. Đọc thêm tại NPR at February 27, 2018 at 05:47AM Health & Scien...

NPR News: Pension Funds Under Pressure To Sell Off Investments In Gun Makers

Pension Funds Under Pressure To Sell Off Investments In Gun Makers Since the mass killing at a Parkland, Fla., earlier this month, many teachers have called on funds to sell their stakes in gun makers. But some fund manager say that may not lead to industry change. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At February 27, 2018 at 05:34AM Categoty Educati...

NPR News: With Hundreds Of Students, School Counselors Just Try To 'Stay Afloat'

With Hundreds Of Students, School Counselors Just Try To 'Stay Afloat' School counselors work with students on mental health each day — but with support, they say, they could do more. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At February 27, 2018 at 12:00AM Categoty Educati...

Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 2, 2018

NPR News: West Virginia Schools Closed As Teacher Walkout Enters Day 3

West Virginia Schools Closed As Teacher Walkout Enters Day 3 Teacher unions are calling for salary increases and a health care fix, but it's unclear when their demands will be satisfied well enough to send them back to the classroom. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At February 26, 2018 at 09:33PM Categoty Educati...

NPR News: How A Skeptical Rancher, Aided By An Outdoors Brand, Turned Climate Friendly

How A Skeptical Rancher, Aided By An Outdoors Brand, Turned Climate Friendly It took a bit of arm-twisting to get on board because of previous encounters with environmentalists. But now, partnered with The North Face, the ranch sustainably produces wool for outdoor clothing. Đọc thêm tại NPR at February 26, 2018 at 08:00PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: How A Skeptical Rancher, Aided By An Outdoors Brand, Turned Climate Friendly

How A Skeptical Rancher, Aided By An Outdoors Brand, Turned Climate Friendly It took a bit of arm-twisting to get on board because of previous encounters with environmentalists. But now, partnered with The North Face, the ranch sustainably produces wool for outdoor clothing. Đọc tiếp trên NPR February 26, 2018 at 08:00PM Environme...

NPR News: Lost Art Of Bending Over: How Other Cultures Spare Their Spines

Lost Art Of Bending Over: How Other Cultures Spare Their Spines No, we're not talking about squatting. We're talking about a way to bend over that's nearly disappeared in our culture. And it could be one reason why back pain is so common in the U.S. Đọc thêm tại NPR at February 26, 2018 at 05:01PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: Pediatricians Call For Universal Depression Screening For Teens

Pediatricians Call For Universal Depression Screening For Teens The nation's leading group of pediatricians has updated its guidelines for tackling teen mental health issues. One recommendation: Annual depression screening for all adolescents 12 and older. Đọc thêm tại NPR at February 26, 2018 at 12:03PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: No Downturn In Obesity Among U.S. Kids, Report Finds

No Downturn In Obesity Among U.S. Kids, Report Finds The childhood obesity epidemic rages on in the United States, with a big surge among the youngest kids, according to the latest government data. Đọc thêm tại NPR at February 26, 2018 at 12:02PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: Pediatricians Call For Universal Depression Screening For Teens

Pediatricians Call For Universal Depression Screening For Teens The nation's leading group of pediatricians has updated its guidelines for tackling teen mental health issues. One recommendation: Annual depression screening for all adolescents 12 and older. Read more on NPR Children's Health February 26, 2018 at 12:03...

NPR News: No Downturn In Obesity Among U.S. Kids, Report Finds

No Downturn In Obesity Among U.S. Kids, Report Finds The childhood obesity epidemic rages on in the United States, with a big surge among the youngest kids, according to the latest government data. Read more on NPR Children's Health February 26, 2018 at 12:02...

Wikipedia article of the day for February 26, 2018

The Wikipedia article of the day for February 26, 2018 is Stegoceras. Stegoceras, a pachycephalosaurid (dome-headed) dinosaur, lived in what is now North America during the Late Cretaceous period, about 77.5 to 74 million years ago. (This genus is unrelated to Stegosaurus, which lived more than 70 million years earlier.) Small and bipedal, Stegoceras was about 2 to 2.5 metres (6.6 to 8.2 ft)...

NPR News: Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Reopens After Shooting

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Reopens After Shooting Students will return to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School this week for the first time since a gunman killed 17 people. On Sunday, the school is holding an orientation day. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At February 26, 2018 at 05:22AM Categoty Educati...

Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 2, 2018

NPR News: When Wildfire Smoke Invades, Who Should Pay To Clean Indoor Air?

When Wildfire Smoke Invades, Who Should Pay To Clean Indoor Air? Public health agencies are set up to regulate air pollution from cars, trucks and factories. Wildfire smoke presents a different set of threats, prompting some of those agencies to rethink priorities. Read more on NPR Children's Health February 25, 2018 at 08:14...

NPR News: When Wildfire Smoke Invades, Who Should Pay To Clean Indoor Air?

When Wildfire Smoke Invades, Who Should Pay To Clean Indoor Air? Public health agencies are set up to regulate air pollution from cars, trucks and factories. Wildfire smoke presents a different set of threats, prompting some of those agencies to rethink priorities. Đọc thêm tại NPR at February 25, 2018 at 08:14PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: The Underwater Damage Left Behind After Hurricanes

The Underwater Damage Left Behind After Hurricanes After hurricanes hit St. John's hard last fall, the island's coral reefs were badly damaged. Lulu Garcia-Navarro speaks with marine biologist Peter Edmunds of California State University Northridge. Đọc thêm tại NPR at February 25, 2018 at 08:14PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: When Wildfire Smoke Invades, Who Should Pay To Clean Indoor Air?

When Wildfire Smoke Invades, Who Should Pay To Clean Indoor Air? Public health agencies are set up to regulate air pollution from cars, trucks and factories. Wildfire smoke presents a different set of threats, prompting some of those agencies to rethink priorities. Đọc tiếp trên NPR February 25, 2018 at 08:14PM Environme...

NPR News: The Underwater Damage Left Behind After Hurricanes

The Underwater Damage Left Behind After Hurricanes After hurricanes hit St. John's hard last fall, the island's coral reefs were badly damaged. Lulu Garcia-Navarro speaks with marine biologist Peter Edmunds of California State University Northridge. Đọc tiếp trên NPR February 25, 2018 at 08:14PM Environme...

NPR News: How One Country Drastically Cut Its Newborn Death Rate

How One Country Drastically Cut Its Newborn Death Rate A UNICEF report cites "alarmingly high" death rates for newborns in many countries. But Bangladesh stands out for its remarkable progress. Read more on NPR Children's Health February 25, 2018 at 07:00...

NPR News: Students Walk Out For Gun Laws; West Virginia Teachers Walk Out For Pay

Students Walk Out For Gun Laws; West Virginia Teachers Walk Out For Pay Students across the country pushed for stricter gun laws while President Trump and Secretary DeVos made news at the Conservative Political Action Conference. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At February 25, 2018 at 05:55PM Categoty Educati...

Wikipedia article of the day for February 25, 2018

The Wikipedia article of the day for February 25, 2018 is USS West Bridge (ID-2888). USS West Bridge (ID-2888) was a cargo ship during World War I, one of the steel-hulled West ships built for the U.S. Shipping Board on the West Coast. Launched in April 1918, the ship joined a convoy of cargo ships headed to France in August. After the convoy was attacked by two German submarines and West Bridge was...

NPR News: French Food Waste Law Changing How Grocery Stores Approach Excess Food

French Food Waste Law Changing How Grocery Stores Approach Excess Food Two years ago, France introduced a law to force supermarkets to donate unsold food to charities and food banks. Skeptics called it unworkable at the time, but there are signs the effort is succeeding. Đọc thêm tại NPR at February 25, 2018 at 05:28AM Health & Scien...

NPR News: French Food Waste Law Changing How Grocery Stores Approach Excess Food

French Food Waste Law Changing How Grocery Stores Approach Excess Food Two years ago, France introduced a law to force supermarkets to donate unsold food to charities and food banks. Skeptics called it unworkable at the time, but there are signs the effort is succeeding. Đọc tiếp trên NPR February 25, 2018 at 05:28AM Environme...

NPR News: Trump Calls To Arm Teachers. What Do Teachers Think?

Trump Calls To Arm Teachers. What Do Teachers Think? NPR's Sarah McCammon talks with assistant professor Josh Grubbs of Bowling Green State University, Virginia elementary school teacher Sarah Plumitallo and Pennsylvania math teacher Mark Zilinskas. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At February 25, 2018 at 05:28AM Categoty Educati...

Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 2, 2018

NPR News: Montana Wildfires Provide A Wealth Of Data On Health Effects Of Smoke Exposure

Montana Wildfires Provide A Wealth Of Data On Health Effects Of Smoke Exposure Last summer's wildfires handed scientists a rare chance to study effects of smoke on residents. Most previous work had been on wood-burning stoves, urban air pollution and the effects on firefighters. Đọc tiếp trên NPR February 24, 2018 at 08:08PM Environme...

NPR News: Montana Wildfires Provide A Wealth Of Data On Health Effects Of Smoke Exposure

Montana Wildfires Provide A Wealth Of Data On Health Effects Of Smoke Exposure Last summer's wildfires handed scientists a rare chance to study effects of smoke on residents. Most previous work had been on wood-burning stoves, urban air pollution and the effects on firefighters. Đọc thêm tại NPR at February 24, 2018 at 08:08PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: Sometimes We Feel More Comfortable Talking To A Robot

Sometimes We Feel More Comfortable Talking To A Robot Artist Alexander Reben wants to know whether a robot could fulfill our deep need for companionship. He created a robot named BlabDroid that asks people to share their raw emotions and deep secrets. Đọc thêm tại NPR at February 24, 2018 at 08:08PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: In Ohio, Some Teachers Have Been Armed For Years

In Ohio, Some Teachers Have Been Armed For Years President Trump says a teacher who is "adept at firearms" could help stop an active shooter. In Ohio, a training program attempts to prepare teachers who plan to open-carry on campus. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At February 24, 2018 at 08:08PM Categoty Educati...

NPR News: A Vermont High School Has Just 3 Students

A Vermont High School Has Just 3 Students A tiny high school in a rural Vermont will close at the end of the school year. Scott Simon asks freshmen Nicholas Steeventon and Hap Ingramthere what it's like attending a school with three students. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At February 24, 2018 at 08:08PM Categoty Educati...

NPR News: A Student Solution To Give Utah Debtors A Fighting Chance

A Student Solution To Give Utah Debtors A Fighting Chance In Utah, the majority of civil lawsuits are debt related; nearly all of the debtors face those suits without any legal help. A group of law students at Brigham Young University wants to change that. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At February 24, 2018 at 08:05PM Categoty Educati...

NPR News: Montana Wildfires Provide A Wealth Of Data On Health Effects Of Smoke Exposure

Montana Wildfires Provide A Wealth Of Data On Health Effects Of Smoke Exposure Last summer's wildfires handed scientists a rare chance to study effects of smoke on residents. Most previous work had been on wood-burning stoves, urban air pollution and the effects on firefighters. Read more on NPR Children's Health February 24, 2018 at 08:08...

NPR News: Scientists Aim To Pull Peer Review Out Of The 17th Century

Scientists Aim To Pull Peer Review Out Of The 17th Century Some scientists want to change the old-fashioned way scientific advancements are evaluated and communicated. But they have to overcome the power structure of the traditional journal vetting process. Đọc thêm tại NPR at February 24, 2018 at 07:44PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: Olympians Are Using Non-Alcoholic Beer As Recovery Drinks. Here's The Science

Olympians Are Using Non-Alcoholic Beer As Recovery Drinks. Here's The Science Today's Olympians have been swept up in a new trend largely emerging from Bavaria: non-alcoholic athletic recovery beers. Do they really work? We look at the evidence. Đọc thêm tại NPR at February 24, 2018 at 07:00PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: It's Hard To Imagine How Armed Teachers Might Change Schools

It's Hard To Imagine How Armed Teachers Might Change Schools President Trump has suggested 20 percent of teachers should be armed, to protect students. NPR's Scott Simon wonders how that might change the nature of school and how teachers and students relate. Dọc thêm tại NPR Opinion February 24, 2018 at 05:39...

NPR News: It's Hard To Imagine How Armed Teachers Might Change Schools

It's Hard To Imagine How Armed Teachers Might Change Schools President Trump has suggested 20 percent of teachers should be armed, to protect students. NPR's Scott Simon wonders how that might change the nature of school and how teachers and students relate. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At February 24, 2018 at 05:39PM Categoty Educati...

NPR News: Heavy Rotation: The Songs Public Radio Can't Stop Playing

Heavy Rotation: The Songs Public Radio Can't Stop Playing This month's playlist includes a new track from an Austin up-and-comer, a song about white privilege from Tune-Yards and a jazz instrumental cover of Amy Winehouse. Read more on NPR World Cafe At February 24, 2018 at 05:00...