Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 4, 2018

NPR News: Australia Investing $377 Million To Protect Great Barrier Reef

Australia Investing $377 Million To Protect Great Barrier Reef Storms, warmer waters and coral-eating starfish have harmed the iconic coral reef system off Australia's coast. Now the Australian government has announced a plan to boost funding for the reef. Đọc thêm tại NPR at April 30, 2018 at 11:13PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: Australia Investing $377 Million To Protect Great Barrier Reef

Australia Investing $377 Million To Protect Great Barrier Reef Storms, warmer waters and coral-eating starfish have harmed the iconic coral reef system off Australia's coast. Now the Australian government has announced a plan to boost funding for the reef. Đọc tiếp trên NPR April 30, 2018 at 11:13PM Environme...

A Book of Emails Women Love to Hate

By JESSICA M. GOLDSTEIN from NYT Style via IFTTT “Hey Ladies” charts a year of correspondence between eight women as they plan for a wedding, and everything a wedding requires. E-Mail, Women and Girls, Books and Literature April 30, 2018 at 07:00...

NPR News: Probiotics For Babies and Kids? New Research Explores Good Bacteria

Probiotics For Babies and Kids? New Research Explores Good Bacteria Sales of probiotics are soaring. While some studies on this beneficial bacteria show it can treat specific health issues in children, scientists are exploring how it may help gut health more broadly. Read more on NPR Children's Health April 30, 2018 at 04:00...

NPR News: Report To Army Cites Concussion Risk Of Weapon's Blast To The Shooter

Report To Army Cites Concussion Risk Of Weapon's Blast To The Shooter Service members who fire certain weapons can get concussion-like symptoms from the blasts, an Army-commissioned report finds. It urges taking measures to cut the risk of lasting brain damage. Đọc thêm tại NPR at April 30, 2018 at 04:01PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: Probiotics For Babies and Kids? New Research Explores Good Bacteria

Probiotics For Babies and Kids? New Research Explores Good Bacteria Sales of probiotics are soaring. While some studies on this beneficial bacteria show it can treat specific health issues in children, scientists are exploring how it may help gut health more broadly. Đọc thêm tại NPR at April 30, 2018 at 04:00PM Health & Scien...

sudorific: Word of the day for April 30, 2018

sudorific , adj : In a state of perspiration; covered in sweat; sudoriferous, sweaty. (chiefly pharmacology) That produces sweating. The song “Sweat (A La La La La Long)” was released in Europe by the Jamaican reggae fusion group Inner Circle on this day 25 years ago in 1993. April 30, 20...

Wikipedia article of the day for April 30, 2018

The Wikipedia article of the day for April 30, 2018 is Louisiana Purchase Exposition dollar. The Louisiana Purchase Exposition dollar was a commemorative gold coin series dated 1903. The coins were designed by Charles E. Barber, Chief Engraver of the United States Bureau of the Mint. The pieces were issued to promote the Louisiana Purchase Exposition held in 1904 in St. Louis. They were struck in...

NPR News: 'A Silent Extinction': Finding Peace And Saving Giraffes On A Lake In Kenya

'A Silent Extinction': Finding Peace And Saving Giraffes On A Lake In Kenya Nearly 40 percent of giraffes were wiped out in one generation. Now, Kenyan conservation efforts are helping to bring them back. Đọc tiếp trên NPR April 30, 2018 at 02:39AM Environme...

NPR News: 'A Silent Extinction': Finding Peace And Saving Giraffes On A Lake In Kenya

'A Silent Extinction': Finding Peace And Saving Giraffes On A Lake In Kenya Nearly 40 percent of giraffes were wiped out in one generation. Now, Kenyan conservation efforts are helping to bring them back. Đọc thêm tại NPR at April 30, 2018 at 02:39AM Health & Scien...

Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 4, 2018

NPR News: The Call-In: Teaching And School Funding

The Call-In: Teaching And School Funding NPR's Lulu Garcia-Navarro talks with Rick and Martha Moore Shaheen. Both parents taught school for decades, but they told their son he can't because of low pay and lack of respect for the profession. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At April 29, 2018 at 07:10PM Categoty Educati...

NPR News: 'Failing Patients': Baltimore Video Highlights Crisis Of Emergency Psychiatric Care

'Failing Patients': Baltimore Video Highlights Crisis Of Emergency Psychiatric Care A viral video is drawing attention to a problem in hospital emergency rooms across the country. More and more patients with urgent psychiatric conditions aren't receiving the care they need. Read more on NPR April 29, 2018 at 07:10PM Health Ca...

NPR News: 'Failing Patients': Baltimore Video Highlights Crisis Of Emergency Psychiatric Care

'Failing Patients': Baltimore Video Highlights Crisis Of Emergency Psychiatric Care A viral video is drawing attention to a problem in hospital emergency rooms across the country. More and more patients with urgent psychiatric conditions aren't receiving the care they need. Read more on NPR April 29, 2018 at 07:10PM Health Ca...

NPR News: What 'A Nation At Risk' Got Wrong, And Right, About U.S. Schools

What 'A Nation At Risk' Got Wrong, And Right, About U.S. Schools Thirty-five years after the landmark report warned of a "rising tide of mediocrity" in U.S. education, the statistics have been questioned, but the concerns still feel urgent. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At April 29, 2018 at 05:00PM Categoty Educati...

fraudulence: Word of the day for April 29, 2018

fraudulence , n : The condition of being fraudulent; deceitfulness. American former financier and investment advisor Bernard “Bernie” Madoff, was born on this day 80 years ago in 1938. Madoff was convicted of operating a Ponzi scheme considered to be the largest financial fraud in United States history. April 29, 20...

Wikipedia article of the day for April 29, 2018

The Wikipedia article of the day for April 29, 2018 is Subfossil lemur. Subfossil lemurs are primates from Madagascar, especially the extinct giant lemurs, represented by subfossils (partially fossilized remains) dating from nearly 26,000 to around 560 years ago. Almost all of these species, including the sloth lemurs, koala lemurs and monkey lemurs, were living around 2,000 years ago, when humans...

NPR News: Chicago's New Trauma Center

Chicago's New Trauma Center A new trauma center is opening in Chicago — the first time in 27 years the city's South Side will have a Level 1 adult trauma center. But there's resentment it's taken so long. Read more on NPR April 28, 2018 at 06:54PM Health Ca...

NPR News: Chicago's New Trauma Center

Chicago's New Trauma Center A new trauma center is opening in Chicago — the first time in 27 years the city's South Side will have a Level 1 adult trauma center. But there's resentment it's taken so long. Read more on NPR April 28, 2018 at 06:54PM Health Ca...

NPR News: New Data About Schools; Teacher Walkouts Spread

New Data About Schools; Teacher Walkouts Spread Plus an unpaid faculty position and disparities in access to advanced courses, in our weekly roundup of education news. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At April 29, 2018 at 12:08AM Categoty Educati...

Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 4, 2018

NPR News: Homes Or Gardens? Developers And Urban Farmers Grapple Over Vacant Land

Homes Or Gardens? Developers And Urban Farmers Grapple Over Vacant Land In communities where both housing and fresh food are needed, the fight over valuable vacant land is prompting policy reform — and tense collaboration — between developers and gardeners. Đọc tiếp trên NPR April 28, 2018 at 07:00PM Environme...

NPR News: Organ Donation System Set For Changes

Organ Donation System Set For Changes NPR's Scott Simon speaks to transplant surgeon Dr. Dorry Segev about why the current system of organ allocation can be a death sentence for some patients. Read more on NPR April 28, 2018 at 06:54PM Health Ca...

NPR News: Organ Donation System Set For Changes

Organ Donation System Set For Changes NPR's Scott Simon speaks to transplant surgeon Dr. Dorry Segev about why the current system of organ allocation can be a death sentence for some patients. Read more on NPR April 28, 2018 at 06:54PM Health Ca...

NPR News: Below A Michigan Overpass, Truckers Make A Safety Net

Below A Michigan Overpass, Truckers Make A Safety Net On Tuesday, 13 semitrucks stopped under a freeway overpass in Michigan to try to break the fall of a man who said he was going to jump. NPR's Scott Simon reflects on that moment. Dọc thêm tại NPR Opinion April 28, 2018 at 06:49...

NPR News: Heavy Rotation: 10 Songs Public Radio Can't Stop Playing

Heavy Rotation: 10 Songs Public Radio Can't Stop Playing This month's playlist includes the soulful stylings of Leon Bridges and River Whyless' sobering meditation on the American Dream. Read more on NPR World Cafe At April 28, 2018 at 04:00...

NPR News: This Is Your Brain On Ads: How Media Companies Hijack Your Attention

This Is Your Brain On Ads: How Media Companies Hijack Your Attention How many ads have you encountered today? On this week's radio show, we discuss the insidiousness of advertising in American media. Đọc thêm tại NPR at April 28, 2018 at 02:13AM Health & Scien...

NPR News: 'Allegedly' No More: Cosby Conviction Marks A New Chapter For #MeToo

'Allegedly' No More: Cosby Conviction Marks A New Chapter For #MeToo As pop culture critics and onetime fans try to sort out Bill Cosby's legacy, it's possible this all boils down to a simple message: What was once overlooked, will be overlooked no longer. Dọc thêm tại NPR Opinion April 27, 2018 at 11:47...

Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 4, 2018

2004: How Untucked Shirts Became a Male Uniform

By ALEX WILLIAMS from NYT Style via IFTTT No longer just for slobs and summering preppies, dress shirts with untucked shirttails hit the front row and red carpet in the mid-aughts and never went away. Fashion and Apparel April 27, 2018 at 07:00...

NPR News: EU To 'Completely Ban' Outdoor Use Of Pesticides Blamed For Devastating Bees

EU To 'Completely Ban' Outdoor Use Of Pesticides Blamed For Devastating Bees Citing concerns for food production, the environment and biodiversity, the European Union moves to protect bees from a popular insecticide. Đọc tiếp trên NPR April 27, 2018 at 10:38PM Environme...

NPR News: EU To 'Completely Ban' Outdoor Use Of Pesticides Blamed For Devastating Bees

EU To 'Completely Ban' Outdoor Use Of Pesticides Blamed For Devastating Bees Citing concerns for food production, the environment and biodiversity, the European Union moves to protect bees from a popular insecticide. Đọc thêm tại NPR at April 27, 2018 at 10:38PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: NASA Mars Mission Faces Setback After Heat Shield Cracks Under Pressure

NASA Mars Mission Faces Setback After Heat Shield Cracks Under Pressure The heat shield, made of material that's as light as balsa wood but can withstand temperatures of nearly 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit, broke during testing earlier this month. Đọc thêm tại NPR at April 27, 2018 at 09:56PM Health & Scien...

How the Author of ‘Madeline’ Created His Most Famous Character

By JONAH ENGEL BROMWICH from NYT Style via IFTTT Ludwig Bemelmans said that the French schoolgirl was inspired by his mother, wife and daughter. “But,” his grandson wrote after his death, “certainly it was also part Bemelmans himself — the smallest in class, the one always in...

NPR News: Emergency Evacuation Finally Lifted After Huge Oil Refinery Fire In Superior, Wis.

Emergency Evacuation Finally Lifted After Huge Oil Refinery Fire In Superior, Wis. The evacuation zone had extended for miles. The Canadian-owned refinery processes crude from the Canadian tar sands in Alberta and from North Dakota's Bakken shale oil fields. Đọc tiếp trên NPR April 27, 2018 at 08:22PM Environme...

NPR News: The U.S. Has No Clear Strategy For Africa. Here's Why It Really Needs One

The U.S. Has No Clear Strategy For Africa. Here's Why It Really Needs One The U.S. relies on a threat-focused approach, when the international community should also support economic and governance development in the region, argues the ex-special forces commander for Africa. Dọc thêm tại NPR Opinion April 27, 2018 at 07:40...

NPR News: Family Caregivers Finally Get A Break — And Some Coaching

Family Caregivers Finally Get A Break — And Some Coaching Across the U.S., community groups, hospitals and government agencies are stepping up to support the estimated 42 million stressed and strained family caregivers, who are often untrained and unpaid. Read more on NPR April 27, 2018 at 04:00PM Health Ca...

NPR News: Family Caregivers Finally Get A Break — And Some Coaching

Family Caregivers Finally Get A Break — And Some Coaching Across the U.S., community groups, hospitals and government agencies are stepping up to support the estimated 42 million stressed and strained family caregivers, who are often untrained and unpaid. Đọc thêm tại NPR at April 27, 2018 at 04:00PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: Family Caregivers Finally Get A Break — And Some Coaching

Family Caregivers Finally Get A Break — And Some Coaching Across the U.S., community groups, hospitals and government agencies are stepping up to support the estimated 42 million stressed and strained family caregivers, who are often untrained and unpaid. Read more on NPR April 27, 2018 at 04:00PM Health Ca...

NPR News: Teachers Walk Out In Colorado

Teachers Walk Out In Colorado Colorado's largest school districts will be closed Friday to accommodate further teacher walkouts. Teachers are asking for better pay, more school funding and a protected retirement plan. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At April 27, 2018 at 04:01PM Categoty Educati...

NPR News: Teachers In Arizona And Colorado Walk Out To Protest Working Conditions

Teachers In Arizona And Colorado Walk Out To Protest Working Conditions Teachers in Colorado and Arizona walked out Thursday to march to the state capitol buildings. It's a continuation of protests around the country over working conditions and pay for teachers and support staff. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At April 27, 2018 at 03:26AM Categoty Educati...

NPR News: Scores Of Schools In Arizona Close As Teachers Embark On Massive Walkout

Scores Of Schools In Arizona Close As Teachers Embark On Massive Walkout Thousands of demonstrators descended on Phoenix, where they are marching on the Capitol to demand pay bumps and boosted budgets. Across state lines, teachers in Colorado are also protesting. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At April 27, 2018 at 01:25AM Categoty Educati...

Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 4, 2018

NPR News: Benzodiazepines: America's 'Other Prescription Drug Problem'

Benzodiazepines: America's 'Other Prescription Drug Problem' Drugs like Valium, Xanax and Ativan are more popular than ever. Frequently used to treat anxiety, the medicines can be risky, especially when mixed with alcohol or opioids. Read more on NPR April 26, 2018 at 10:38PM Health Ca...

NPR News: Benzodiazepines: America's 'Other Prescription Drug Problem'

Benzodiazepines: America's 'Other Prescription Drug Problem' Drugs like Valium, Xanax and Ativan are more popular than ever. Frequently used to treat anxiety, the medicines can be risky, especially when mixed with alcohol or opioids. Read more on NPR April 26, 2018 at 10:38PM Health Ca...

NPR News: World Cafe Nashville: Lera Lynn Collabs With John Paul White On 'Lose Myself'

World Cafe Nashville: Lera Lynn Collabs With John Paul White On 'Lose Myself' The Nashville-based singer-songwriter is returning with a new album, Plays Well With Others, that more than speaks to the power of collaboration. Read more on NPR World Cafe At April 26, 2018 at 08:00...

NPR News: Ronny Jackson Withdraws As VA Nominee

Ronny Jackson Withdraws As VA Nominee Jackson decried "baseless and anonymous attacks on my character and integrity," following detailed accusations including improper prescribing of drugs and wrecking a government vehicle while drunk. Read more on NPR April 26, 2018 at 07:03PM Health Ca...

NPR News: Ronny Jackson Withdraws As VA Nominee

Ronny Jackson Withdraws As VA Nominee Jackson decried "baseless and anonymous attacks on my character and integrity," following detailed accusations including improper prescribing of drugs and wrecking a government vehicle while drunk. Read more on NPR April 26, 2018 at 07:03PM Health Ca...

NPR News: Study: Colleges That Ditch The SAT And ACT Can Enhance Diversity

Study: Colleges That Ditch The SAT And ACT Can Enhance Diversity A new study confirms what some researchers have been saying for decades — standardized tests have little or no value in predicting students' success in college. So why do institutions use them? Đọc tiếp trên NPR At April 26, 2018 at 05:12PM Categoty Educati...

NPR News: EPA Chief Pruitt Faces Tough Questions On Capitol Hill

EPA Chief Pruitt Faces Tough Questions On Capitol Hill EPA chief Scott Pruitt could face tough questions on Capitol Hill Thursday. It's his first appearance before lawmakers since a string of ethics allegations prompted numerous investigations. Đọc tiếp trên NPR April 26, 2018 at 04:00PM Environme...

NPR News: NPR/Ipsos Poll: Most Americans Support Teachers' Right To Strike

NPR/Ipsos Poll: Most Americans Support Teachers' Right To Strike Just one in four Americans, including just 36 percent of Republicans, believe teachers in this country are paid fairly. Three-quarters agree teachers have the right to strike. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At April 26, 2018 at 04:01PM Categoty Educati...

NPR News: Casting Aside Shame And Stigma, Adults Tackle Struggles With Literacy

Casting Aside Shame And Stigma, Adults Tackle Struggles With Literacy Over the past 25 years, U.S. adult literacy rates have not improved. Learning how to read, one adult learner says, is like "opening up a Christmas present every day." Đọc tiếp trên NPR At April 26, 2018 at 04:00PM Categoty Educati...

NPR News: EPA Chief Pruitt Faces Tough Questions On Capitol Hill

EPA Chief Pruitt Faces Tough Questions On Capitol Hill EPA chief Scott Pruitt could face tough questions on Capitol Hill Thursday. It's his first appearance before lawmakers since a string of ethics allegations prompted numerous investigations. Đọc thêm tại NPR at April 26, 2018 at 04:00PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: DNA Analysis Of Ancient Excrement Reveals The Diets Of Centuries Past

DNA Analysis Of Ancient Excrement Reveals The Diets Of Centuries Past Researchers are exhuming ancient dung from toilets of yore to reconstruct snapshots of food and lifestyle in bygone centuries. The parasites that show up in privies reveal a lot about what people ate. Đọc thêm tại NPR at April 26, 2018 at 05:24AM Health & Scien...

NPR News: High-Paying Trade Jobs Sit Empty, While High School Grads Line Up For University

High-Paying Trade Jobs Sit Empty, While High School Grads Line Up For University Huge shortages loom in the skilled trades, which require less — and cheaper — training. Should that make students rethink the four-year degree? Đọc tiếp trên NPR At April 26, 2018 at 03:33AM Categoty Educati...

NPR News: Giving Antibiotics To Healthy Kids In Poor Countries: Good Idea Or Bad Idea?

Giving Antibiotics To Healthy Kids In Poor Countries: Good Idea Or Bad Idea? Researchers administered doses of azithromycin to 190,238 children in sub-Saharan Africa. The death rate dropped, but fear of antibiotic resistance looms. Read more on NPR Children's Health April 26, 2018 at 04:02...

NPR News: EPA Chief Scott Pruitt Prepares For Questions On Ethics Allegations

EPA Chief Scott Pruitt Prepares For Questions On Ethics Allegations Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt appears on Capitol Hill Thursday for the first time since a string of ethics allegations. But what has he done at the agency and what are the questions he may face about his conduct there? Đọc tiếp trên NPR April 26, 2018 at 03:33AM Environme...

NPR News: EPA Chief Scott Pruitt Prepares For Questions On Ethics Allegations

EPA Chief Scott Pruitt Prepares For Questions On Ethics Allegations Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt appears on Capitol Hill Thursday for the first time since a string of ethics allegations. But what has he done at the agency and what are the questions he may face about his conduct there? Đọc thêm tại NPR at April 26, 2018 at 03:33AM Health & Scien...

NPR News: Tiny Lab-Grown 'Brains' Raise Big Ethical Questions

Tiny Lab-Grown 'Brains' Raise Big Ethical Questions Scientists are growing increasingly large and sophisticated clusters of human brain cells. Ethicists are now wondering what to do if these minibrains start thinking. Đọc thêm tại NPR at April 26, 2018 at 03:28AM Health & Scien...

NPR News: Every Day, Tons Of Viruses Are Swept Into The Sky And Fall Back Down To Earth

Every Day, Tons Of Viruses Are Swept Into The Sky And Fall Back Down To Earth For the first time, scientists measured the quantity of viruses that are swept into the Earth's atmosphere and then fall back down. The study explains why similar viruses are spread across the globe. Đọc tiếp trên NPR April 26, 2018 at 02:39AM Environme...

NPR News: Every Day, Tons Of Viruses Are Swept Into The Sky And Fall Back Down To Earth

Every Day, Tons Of Viruses Are Swept Into The Sky And Fall Back Down To Earth For the first time, scientists measured the quantity of viruses that are swept into the Earth's atmosphere and then fall back down. The study explains why similar viruses are spread across the globe. Đọc thêm tại NPR at April 26, 2018 at 02:39AM Health & Scien...

NPR News: Professor Who Called Barbara Bush An 'Amazing Racist' Will Keep Her Job

Professor Who Called Barbara Bush An 'Amazing Racist' Will Keep Her Job It came down to freedom of speech, according to Fresno State President Joseph Castro. He noted Randa Jarrar made the remarks in a "private capacity," even as he called her conduct an embarrassment. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At April 26, 2018 at 02:26AM Categoty Educati...

NPR News: NBA Should Open Draft To High Schoolers, NCAA Commission On College Basketball Says

NBA Should Open Draft To High Schoolers, NCAA Commission On College Basketball Says Removing "one-and-done" players from the NCAA would also remove a temptation for sports apparel companies, agents, coaches and others who want to profit from their talents, a review panel said. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At April 26, 2018 at 01:37AM Categoty Educati...

Parkland Survivors Are the Stars at Time 100 Gala

By JACOB BERNSTEIN from NYT Style via IFTTT Jennifer Lopez and Shawn Mendes perform at the magazine’s biggest party of the year, to celebrate its 100 Most Influential People issue. Parties (Social) April 25, 2018 at 07:00...

NPR News: Teacher Walkouts: A State By State Guide

Teacher Walkouts: A State By State Guide The West Virginia teachers strike in mid-February started a movement. Here's a look at what the issues are and where it's spread, including Colorado, Arizona and Kentucky. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At April 26, 2018 at 01:16AM Categoty Educati...

Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 4, 2018

My Best Friend’s Worst Betrayal

By CHERYL STRAYED and STEVE ALMOND from NYT Style via IFTTT A reader tries to process her sexual assault by person who supposedly knew her — and all her vulnerabilities — better than anyone. Sex Crimes, Assaults April 25, 2018 at 07:00...

NPR News: Ben Harper And Charlie Musselwhite On World Cafe

Ben Harper And Charlie Musselwhite On World Cafe The Grammy-winning duo is back, talking about finding common ground and performing songs from their new record No Mercy In This Land. Read more on NPR World Cafe At April 25, 2018 at 11:13...

NPR News: You Are Here: Scientists Unveil Precise Map Of More Than A Billion Stars

You Are Here: Scientists Unveil Precise Map Of More Than A Billion Stars The European Space Agency has released a chart of the exact positions of many stars in the Milky Way and neighboring galaxies. But the map only shows a small fraction of what's out there. Đọc thêm tại NPR at April 25, 2018 at 08:03PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: As Philippines Shuts Down A Popular Tourist Island, Residents Fear For Their Future

As Philippines Shuts Down A Popular Tourist Island, Residents Fear For Their Future President Rodrigo Duterte called Boracay island a "cesspool." It draws 2 million visitors a year but isn't equipped to accommodate them. Residents agree there's a problem, but worry about losing jobs. Đọc tiếp trên NPR April 25, 2018 at 06:01PM Environme...

NPR News: Pruitt Proposes EPA Science Restrictions

Pruitt Proposes EPA Science Restrictions The EPA says it wants to only use research in which all data are publicly available. Scientists say this would hurt policy making on everything from air pollution to toxic waste and pesticides. Đọc tiếp trên NPR April 25, 2018 at 03:54PM Environme...

NPR News: Pruitt Proposes EPA Science Restrictions

Pruitt Proposes EPA Science Restrictions The EPA says it wants to only use research in which all data are publicly available. Scientists say this would hurt policy making on everything from air pollution to toxic waste and pesticides. Đọc thêm tại NPR at April 25, 2018 at 03:54PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: Pruitt Proposes New Rule Defining What Science Can Be Used By EPA

Pruitt Proposes New Rule Defining What Science Can Be Used By EPA The EPA administrator wants to restrict the science used by the agency in its decision-making. Scientists are concerned it eliminates all good science in the process. Đọc thêm tại NPR at April 25, 2018 at 04:53AM Health & Scien...

Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 4, 2018

Why Won’t We Learn from the Survivors of the Rana Plaza Disaster?

By DANA THOMAS from NYT Style via IFTTT After more than 1,100 people were killed in the horrific building collapse, hundreds of factories in Bangladesh were shuttered. Five years later, the garment industry looks set to return to business as usual. Rana Plaza Building Collapse,...

NPR News: #ScootersBehavingBadly: U.S. Cities Race To Keep Up With Small Vehicle Shares

#ScootersBehavingBadly: U.S. Cities Race To Keep Up With Small Vehicle Shares Cities like San Francisco and Austin are struggling to regulate a flood of new transportation options, from electric scooters to dock-less bikes. Residents are angry over sidewalk and safety concerns. Đọc tiếp trên NPR April 24, 2018 at 08:06AM Environme...

Wikipedia article of the day for April 24, 2018

The Wikipedia article of the day for April 24, 2018 is 1867 Manhattan, Kansas earthquake. The 1867 Manhattan earthquake struck Riley County, Kansas, in the United States on April 24. The strongest earthquake to originate in the state, it measured 5.1 on a seismic scale based on reports of how strongly it was felt in the area. Its epicenter was near the town of Manhattan. On the Mercalli intensity...

NPR News: Redesigning Maternal Care: Ob-Gyns Are Urged to See New Mothers Sooner And More Often

Redesigning Maternal Care: Ob-Gyns Are Urged to See New Mothers Sooner And More Often Sweeping changes in medical practice could improve the dismal U.S. rate of maternal deaths and near-deaths, an influential doctors' group says. Read more on NPR April 24, 2018 at 04:01AM Health Ca...

NPR News: Redesigning Maternal Care: Ob-Gyns Are Urged to See New Mothers Sooner And More Often

Redesigning Maternal Care: Ob-Gyns Are Urged to See New Mothers Sooner And More Often Sweeping changes in medical practice could improve the dismal U.S. rate of maternal deaths and near-deaths, an influential doctors' group says. Read more on NPR April 24, 2018 at 04:01AM Health Ca...

NPR News: A 13-Year-Old in Afghanistan Won't Let His Injuries Get Him Down

A 13-Year-Old in Afghanistan Won't Let His Injuries Get Him Down Barkatullah is one of thousands of children who are casualties of the conflict. The latest are victims from Sunday's suicide bomb attack. What does the future hold for these youngsters? Read more on NPR Children's Health April 24, 2018 at 03:15...

Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 4, 2018

NPR News: Flint Activist Wins Major Environmental Prize

Flint Activist Wins Major Environmental Prize LeeAnne Walters demanded action from local officials, confronting them with bottles of discolored water. They dismissed her for months. She meticulously documented lead levels in Flint homes. Đọc thêm tại NPR at April 23, 2018 at 11:00PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: Flint Activist Wins Major Environmental Prize

Flint Activist Wins Major Environmental Prize LeeAnne Walters demanded action from local officials, confronting them with bottles of discolored water. They dismissed her for months. She meticulously documented lead levels in Flint homes. Đọc tiếp trên NPR April 23, 2018 at 11:00PM Environme...

NPR News: For 50 Years, Deep-Water Trawls Likely Caught More Fish Than Anyone Thought

For 50 Years, Deep-Water Trawls Likely Caught More Fish Than Anyone Thought Using historical data and estimates from deep-sea trawls that drag nets along the ocean floor, researchers estimate that millions of tons of catch have gone unreported in the last 50 years. Đọc thêm tại NPR at April 23, 2018 at 07:00PM Health & Scien...

NPR News: For 50 Years, Deep-Water Trawls Likely Caught More Fish Than Anyone Thought

For 50 Years, Deep-Water Trawls Likely Caught More Fish Than Anyone Thought Using historical data and estimates from deep-sea trawls that drag nets along the ocean floor, researchers estimate that millions of tons of catch have gone unreported in the last 50 years. Đọc tiếp trên NPR April 23, 2018 at 07:00PM Environme...

NPR News: Teachers Share Anger, Frustration Over Grants Turned Into Loans

Teachers Share Anger, Frustration Over Grants Turned Into Loans A federal program meant to encourage young teachers has, instead, saddled thousands of them with unexpected debts. "I was in shock," says Mikayla Rhone, a teacher in Nebraska. Đọc tiếp trên NPR At April 23, 2018 at 05:00PM Categoty Educati...

NPR News: Anxiety Relief Without The High? New Studies On CBD, A Cannabis Extract

Anxiety Relief Without The High? New Studies On CBD, A Cannabis Extract An FDA advisory committee last week urged approval of a drug containing cannabidiol to treat a form of epilepsy. Other scientists wonder if CBD might ease anxiety or other disorders, too. Đọc thêm tại NPR at April 23, 2018 at 03:59PM Health & Scien...