Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 8, 2020

NPR News: The Honesty & Self-Reflection Of The Indigo Girls

The Honesty & Self-Reflection Of The Indigo Girls
The accomplished songwriters are tireless activists for causes ranging from gun control to indigenous rights to the removal of confederate monuments from town squares.

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World Cafe At August 31, 2020 at 09:01PM

NPR News: Heavy Rotation: 10 Songs Public Radio Can't Stop Playing

Heavy Rotation: 10 Songs Public Radio Can't Stop Playing
NPR member stations bring you a mix of the most popular songs on their airwaves, including music from Sylvan Esso, Little Simz, SAULT, Paul Weller, Afel Bocoum and more.

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World Cafe At August 31, 2020 at 08:27PM

NPR News: Preventing College Parties? Shame And Blame Don't Work, But Beer Pong Outside Might

Preventing College Parties? Shame And Blame Don't Work, But Beer Pong Outside Might
With desperate pleas and social contracts failing to curb college parties, schools have turned to punitive consequences. But are the students the ones to blame?

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 31, 2020 at 08:32PM
Categoty Education

Lady Gaga’s Masks Win the V.M.A.s

This is one way to use the red carpet and fashion to send a message.
Fashion and Apparel, Dresses, Masks, Pop and Rock Music, MTV Video Music Awards, Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), your-feed-fashion
August 31, 2020 at 07:09PM

NPR News: As Telemedicine Replaces The Physical Exam, What Are Doctors Missing?

As Telemedicine Replaces The Physical Exam, What Are Doctors Missing?
Certain diagnoses are harder to catch without an in-person connection. And beyond that, a doctor reflects on the loss of a ritual that can provide "real comfort and meaning" to physician and patient.

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August 31, 2020 at 04:00PM
Health Care

NPR News: Learning Curve: We Meet A Mother Of 4 As The School Year Begins

Learning Curve: We Meet A Mother Of 4 As The School Year Begins
NPR's Rachel Martin talks to a single mother in Charlotte, N.C., as her four children try to get online for their remote classes.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 31, 2020 at 04:08PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: As Telemedicine Replaces The Physical Exam, What Are Doctors Missing?

As Telemedicine Replaces The Physical Exam, What Are Doctors Missing?
Certain diagnoses are harder to catch without an in-person connection. And beyond that, a doctor reflects on the loss of a ritual that can provide "real comfort and meaning" to physician and patient.

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August 31, 2020 at 04:00PM
Health Care

NPR News: How Climate Change Is Fueling Hurricanes And Wildfires

How Climate Change Is Fueling Hurricanes And Wildfires
NPR's Michel Martin speaks with climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe about how climate change can make natural disasters, including Hurricane Laura and the wildfires in California, more severe.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 31, 2020 at 04:24AM

NPR News: Mayors Of College Towns Brace For The Economic Impact Of Remote Learning

Mayors Of College Towns Brace For The Economic Impact Of Remote Learning
Mayor Walt Maddox of Tuscaloosa, Ala., Mayor Donnie Tuck of Hampton, Va., and Mayor Bruce Teague of Iowa City, Iowa, on how they're trying to halt the spread of the coronavirus.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 31, 2020 at 02:24AM
Categoty Education

Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 8, 2020

NPR News: OPINION: Public Health Leaders Deserve More Respect

OPINION: Public Health Leaders Deserve More Respect
This pandemic is like war, and federal, state and local health officers are leading the U.S. response. Yet unlike war heroes, who are lionized, they are facing unprecedented attacks and death threats.

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August 30, 2020 at 06:00PM
Health Care

NPR News: Learning Curve: One Las Vegas Family On Pivoting To Remote Learning

Learning Curve: One Las Vegas Family On Pivoting To Remote Learning
The learning curve for families and educators this year is a big one. We hear from the Munoz family in Las Vegas about what their first week of remote school was like.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 30, 2020 at 06:55PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: Mayors Of College Towns Face Economic Toll Of Remote Learning

Mayors Of College Towns Face Economic Toll Of Remote Learning
NPR's Debbie Elliot asks Mayor Walt Maddox of Tuscaloosa, Ala., Mayor Donnie Tuck of Hampton, Va., and Mayor Bruce Teague of Iowa City, Iowa, how they're trying to halt the spread of the coronavirus.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 30, 2020 at 06:55PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: OPINION: Public Health Leaders Deserve More Respect

OPINION: Public Health Leaders Deserve More Respect
This pandemic is like war, and federal, state and local health officers are leading the U.S. response. Yet unlike war heroes, who are lionized, they are facing unprecedented attacks and death threats.

Dọc thêm tại NPR
August 30, 2020 at 06:00PM

NPR News: OPINION: Public Health Leaders Deserve More Respect

OPINION: Public Health Leaders Deserve More Respect
This pandemic is like war, and federal, state and local health officers are leading the U.S. response. Yet unlike war heroes, who are lionized, they are facing unprecedented attacks and death threats.

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August 30, 2020 at 06:00PM
Health Care

NPR News: Hurricane Laura Recovery Could Take Years

Hurricane Laura Recovery Could Take Years
It will be months, or years, before people in southern Louisiana fully recover from Hurricane Laura. The storm's 150 mph winds damaged or destroyed thousands of buildings when it came ashore.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 30, 2020 at 04:07AM

Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 8, 2020

NPR News: Opinion: 'The Greatest Athletes Know: Children Are Watching'

Opinion: 'The Greatest Athletes Know: Children Are Watching'
As sports teams make visible their support for Black Lives Matter, NPR's Scott Simon reflects on the tradition of athletes speaking out on behalf of civil rights and social justice.

Dọc thêm tại NPR
August 29, 2020 at 06:56PM

NPR News: With Virtual Rush, Fraternities And Sororities Race To Pitch More Than Parties

With Virtual Rush, Fraternities And Sororities Race To Pitch More Than Parties
Greek organizations rely heavily on member dues. If chapters can't provide a meaningful experience online, one expert says, they may not survive the pandemic.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 29, 2020 at 06:01PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: Scientists Explore Why Some People Are Able To Live With An Infection Unscathed

Scientists Explore Why Some People Are Able To Live With An Infection Unscathed
What if your body could corral an infection instead of eliminating it? Immunologists who see this sort of "disease tolerance" in plants wonder what role it might play in asymptomatic human infections.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 29, 2020 at 05:00PM
Health & Science

Fashion Advertisers Rediscover Black Models

In ad campaigns for designers like Valentino and Tommy Hilfiger, race-conscious casting matters now. Is it progress, or is it cynicism?
Black People, Fashion and Apparel, Models (Professional), Race and Ethnicity, Advertising and Marketing, Luxury Goods and Services, Black Lives Matter Movement, Magazines
August 29, 2020 at 04:00PM

Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 8, 2020

NPR News: Millions Of Pounds Of Extra Pollution Were Released Before Laura Made Landfall

Millions Of Pounds Of Extra Pollution Were Released Before Laura Made Landfall
Hurricane Laura hit an area known for its refineries and chemical plants. They released millions of pounds of air pollution when they shut down, and many air monitors are not functioning.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 28, 2020 at 10:39PM

Melania in Lime Green, Ivanka in Black, Trump as Lord of All He Surveyed

The president’s speech at the Republican National Convention was a model of pomp and circumstance.
United States Politics and Government, Presidential Election of 2020, Fashion and Apparel, Speeches and Statements, Republican National Convention, your-feed-fashion
August 28, 2020 at 06:57PM

NPR News: Millions Of Pounds Of Extra Pollution Were Released Before Laura Made Landfall

Millions Of Pounds Of Extra Pollution Were Released Before Laura Made Landfall
Hurricane Laura hit an area known for its refineries and chemical plants. They released millions of pounds of air pollution when they shut down, and many air monitors are not functioning.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 28, 2020 at 10:39PM
Health & Science

Keke Palmer Keeps a Check

The movie star, talk-show host, singer and self-described “drama nerd person” is hosting the MTV V.M.A.s. She’s the only person for the job.
Television, MTV Video Music Awards, Cruises, Social Media
August 28, 2020 at 09:22PM

College Is Everywhere Now

Yale students in Barbados. Michigan students in Brooklyn. Berkeley students in Las Vegas? Off-campus housing is way off-campus now.
Coronavirus Reopenings, Colleges and Universities, Generation Z, Social Media, Parenting, your-feed-selfcare
August 28, 2020 at 04:00PM

Melania in Lime, Ivanka in Black, Trump as Lord of All He Surveyed

The president’s speech at the Republican National Convention was a model of pomp and circumstance.
United States Politics and Government, Presidential Election of 2020, Fashion and Apparel, Speeches and Statements, Republican National Convention, your-feed-fashion
August 28, 2020 at 06:57PM

College Is Everywhere Now

Yale students in Barbados. Michigan students in Brooklyn. Berkeley students in Las Vegas? Off-campus housing is way off-campus now.
Coronavirus Reopenings, Colleges and Universities, Generation Z, Social Media, Parenting, your-feed-selfcare
August 28, 2020 at 04:00PM

NPR News: How Many Coronavirus Cases Are Happening In Schools? This Tracker Keeps Count

How Many Coronavirus Cases Are Happening In Schools? This Tracker Keeps Count
Alisha Morris, a Kansas theater teacher, created a database of COVID-19 cases in schools. Now maintained by the National Education Association, it shares data that some schools prefer to keep quiet.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 28, 2020 at 04:06PM
Health & Science

NPR News: Everything Is Unprecedented. Welcome To Your Hotter Earth

Everything Is Unprecedented. Welcome To Your Hotter Earth
Hurricanes, wildfires, heat waves and disease outbreaks are all a preview of our hotter future. Dramatically cutting greenhouse gas emissions would help.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 28, 2020 at 04:06PM
Health & Science

NPR News: What A Nasal Spray Vaccine Against COVID-19 Might Do Even Better Than A Shot

What A Nasal Spray Vaccine Against COVID-19 Might Do Even Better Than A Shot
A vaccine against the coronavirus needs to keep people from getting very sick and dying. But preventing the spread of the disease is also important, and vaccines delivered by nasal spray may do that.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 28, 2020 at 04:00PM
Health & Science

NPR News: Poor Neighborhoods Feel Brunt Of Rising Heat. Cities Are Mapping Them To Bring Relief

Poor Neighborhoods Feel Brunt Of Rising Heat. Cities Are Mapping Them To Bring Relief
In 13 U.S. cities this summer, volunteers are capturing detailed measurements that will include the heat index people experience. Cities will use the new heat maps to help cool the hottest spots.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 28, 2020 at 04:00PM
Health & Science

NPR News: What A Nasal Spray Vaccine Against COVID-19 Might Do Even Better Than A Shot

What A Nasal Spray Vaccine Against COVID-19 Might Do Even Better Than A Shot
A vaccine against the coronavirus needs to keep people from getting very sick and dying. But preventing the spread of the disease is also important, and vaccines delivered by nasal spray may do that.

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August 28, 2020 at 04:00PM
Health Care

NPR News: How Many Coronavirus Cases Are Happening In Schools? This Tracker Keeps Count

How Many Coronavirus Cases Are Happening In Schools? This Tracker Keeps Count
Alisha Morris, a Kansas theater teacher, created a database of COVID-19 cases in schools. Now maintained by the National Education Association, it shares data that some schools prefer to keep quiet.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 28, 2020 at 04:06PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: How Universities Are Tackling The Spread Of COVID-19

How Universities Are Tackling The Spread Of COVID-19
NPR's Rachel Martin talks to Christine Herman at University of Illinois and Sebastian Martinez at University of Missouri about the varied strategies colleges are taking on coronavirus testing.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 28, 2020 at 04:06PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: As Schools Continue Virtual Learning, Some Families Struggle With Sharing Tech

As Schools Continue Virtual Learning, Some Families Struggle With Sharing Tech
Millions of college students are starting the fall semester online — that's meant some students are scrambling to get the technology they need to take the classes.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 28, 2020 at 04:06PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: How Many Coronavirus Cases Are Happening In Schools? This Tracker Keeps Count

How Many Coronavirus Cases Are Happening In Schools? This Tracker Keeps Count
Alisha Morris, a Kansas theater teacher, created a database of COVID-19 cases in schools. Now maintained by the National Education Association, it shares data that some schools prefer to keep quiet.

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Children's Health
August 28, 2020 at 04:06PM

NPR News: Poor Neighborhoods Feel Brunt Of Rising Heat. Cities Are Mapping Them To Bring Relief

Poor Neighborhoods Feel Brunt Of Rising Heat. Cities Are Mapping Them To Bring Relief
In 13 U.S. cities this summer, volunteers are capturing detailed measurements that will include the heat index people experience. Cities will use the new heat maps to help cool the hottest spots.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 28, 2020 at 04:00PM

NPR News: What A Nasal Spray Vaccine Against COVID-19 Might Do Even Better Than A Shot

What A Nasal Spray Vaccine Against COVID-19 Might Do Even Better Than A Shot
A vaccine against the coronavirus needs to keep people from getting very sick and dying. But preventing the spread of the disease is also important, and vaccines delivered by nasal spray may do that.

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August 28, 2020 at 04:00PM
Health Care

Will They See Me as a Son, a Daughter or a Stranger?

Thirteen years ago, my parents tried to wish away my gender transition. Now, Alzheimer’s threatens to erase their memory of me altogether.
Love (Emotion), Alzheimer's Disease, Transgender and Transsexuals, Memory
August 28, 2020 at 11:00AM

NPR News: Wielding Chainsaws, A Town Comes Together To Clean Up After Hurricane Laura

Wielding Chainsaws, A Town Comes Together To Clean Up After Hurricane Laura
Residents of Bell City, La., gathered Thursday morning to cut down trees, clear roads — and share what it was like as the storm made landfall overnight.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 28, 2020 at 09:41AM

NPR News: Historic Gulf Coast Hurricanes: How Does Laura Compare?

Historic Gulf Coast Hurricanes: How Does Laura Compare?
Hurricane Laura has been described as one of the most powerful storms to hit the Gulf Coast in decades. We take a look at other infamous storms to strike the region.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 28, 2020 at 05:49AM
Health & Science

NPR News: Historic Gulf Coast Hurricanes: How Does Laura Compare?

Historic Gulf Coast Hurricanes: How Does Laura Compare?
Hurricane Laura has been described as one of the most powerful storms to hit the Gulf Coast in decades. We take a look at other infamous storms to strike the region.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 28, 2020 at 05:49AM

NPR News: 'Radical' COVID Testing Plan Could Offer A 'Return To Normal,' Journalist Says

'Radical' COVID Testing Plan Could Offer A 'Return To Normal,' Journalist Says
Atlantic journalist Alexis Madrigal says millions of at-home saliva tests for COVID could be the key to a safe reopening — even if the tests are less accurate than the traditional PCR tests.

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August 28, 2020 at 03:13AM
Health Care

NPR News: Where Did Earth's Water Come From?

Where Did Earth's Water Come From?
Scientists have long debated whether the Earth's water was here when the planet formed or whether it arrived later. A study suggests much of the water originated in rocks from which Earth is built.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 28, 2020 at 03:03AM
Health & Science

NPR News: 'Radical' COVID Testing Plan Could Offer A 'Return To Normal,' Journalist Says

'Radical' COVID Testing Plan Could Offer A 'Return To Normal,' Journalist Says
Atlantic journalist Alexis Madrigal says millions of at-home saliva tests for COVID could be the key to a safe reopening — even if the tests are less accurate than the traditional PCR tests.

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August 28, 2020 at 03:13AM
Health Care

NPR News: Water, Water, Every Where—And Now Scientists Know Where It Came From

Water, Water, Every Where—And Now Scientists Know Where It Came From
Some unusual meteorites suggest that Earth got its water at its start, rather than forming dry and being watered by comets later on.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 28, 2020 at 01:00AM
Health & Science

NPR News: Water, Water, Every Where—And Now Scientists Know Where It Came From

Water, Water, Every Where—And Now Scientists Know Where It Came From
Some unusual meteorites suggest that Earth got its water at its start, rather than forming dry and being watered by comets later on.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 28, 2020 at 01:00AM

Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 8, 2020

NPR News: 'Racial Inequality May Be As Deadly As COVID-19,' Analysis Finds

'Racial Inequality May Be As Deadly As COVID-19,' Analysis Finds
A century's worth of U.S. statistics finds mortality rates and life expectancy were much worse for Black Americans during pre-pandemic years than they have been for whites during the COVID-19 crisis.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 27, 2020 at 10:28PM
Health & Science

NPR News: Hurricanes Like Laura Are More Likely Because Of Climate Change

Hurricanes Like Laura Are More Likely Because Of Climate Change
Hurricane Laura rapidly intensified before it made landfall. Abnormally hot water in the Gulf of Mexico helped it gain power.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 27, 2020 at 09:25PM
Health & Science

NPR News: Hurricanes Like Laura Are More Likely Because Of Climate Change

Hurricanes Like Laura Are More Likely Because Of Climate Change
Hurricane Laura rapidly intensified before it made landfall. Abnormally hot water in the Gulf of Mexico helped it gain power.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 27, 2020 at 09:25PM
Health & Science

NPR News: COVID-19 Vaccine May Pit Science Against Politics

COVID-19 Vaccine May Pit Science Against Politics
New vaccines usually take years to get the approval of the Food and Drug Administration. But the Trump administration suggests the FDA may greenlight a coronavirus vaccine by the end of the year.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 27, 2020 at 04:00PM
Health & Science

NPR News: A Confusing Back-To-School Season May Lead To Blockbuster Spending

A Confusing Back-To-School Season May Lead To Blockbuster Spending
Preparing for both in-person and virtual learning has families budgeting for new school supplies like masks and bleach wipes, but also bigger purchases like laptops, speakers, desks and chairs.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 27, 2020 at 04:09PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: 'We're Living The News': Student Journalists Are Owning The College Reopening Story

'We're Living The News': Student Journalists Are Owning The College Reopening Story
Student newsrooms have been tirelessly reporting on college reopening plans — and their editorials haven't held back.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 27, 2020 at 05:30AM
Categoty Education

NPR News: CDC Changes Testing Guidelines To Exclude People With No COVID-19 Symptoms

CDC Changes Testing Guidelines To Exclude People With No COVID-19 Symptoms
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has changed its coronavirus testing guidelines, raising questions about whether the move was done to reduce testing.

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August 27, 2020 at 03:07AM
Health Care

NPR News: Researchers Develop A Trap To Control Population Of Invasive Lionfish

Researchers Develop A Trap To Control Population Of Invasive Lionfish
Invasive lionfish, native to the Indian Ocean, have had a big impact on reef ecosystems in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. A new inexpensive trap may help control these voracious predators.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 27, 2020 at 03:07AM
Health & Science

NPR News: Why Many People Are Drawn To Conspiracy Theories

Why Many People Are Drawn To Conspiracy Theories
NPR's Audie Cornish talks with Eugenia Cheng, a British mathematician and a concert pianist, about why people are drawn to conspiracy theories and why it is hard for them to change their minds.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 27, 2020 at 03:07AM
Health & Science

NPR News: CDC Changes Testing Guidelines To Exclude People With No COVID-19 Symptoms

CDC Changes Testing Guidelines To Exclude People With No COVID-19 Symptoms
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has changed its coronavirus testing guidelines, raising questions about whether the move was done to reduce testing.

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August 27, 2020 at 03:07AM
Health Care

Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 8, 2020

NPR News: Amidst The Pandemic, The New Music Out Of Nashville Never Stops

Amidst The Pandemic, The New Music Out Of Nashville Never Stops
World Cafe's Nashville correspondent, Ann Powers, talks about the state of Music City and five new releases that she's excited about.

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World Cafe At August 26, 2020 at 11:15PM

Melania Trump, Dressed for Battle. But Which One?

The first lady’s words during her speech at the Republican National Convention said one thing, but her suit said another.
Presidential Election of 2020, United States Politics and Government, Republican National Convention, Fashion and Apparel, Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), First Ladies (US), Speeches and Statements, your-feed-fashion
August 26, 2020 at 06:54PM

NPR News: Colleges Report More COVID-19 Cases As Students Return To Campus

Colleges Report More COVID-19 Cases As Students Return To Campus
While many colleges are online this semester, more than 20% of four-year schools are primarily in-person. More positive COVID-19 cases are emerging as students move back and socialize.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 26, 2020 at 04:07PM
Categoty Education

Mr. Smith Went to Washington … With Dimmers

The decorator Michael Smith, who has transformed interiors for the Obamas, Rupert Murdoch and Cindy Crawford, is spilling paint in a new book.
White House Building (Washington, DC), Interior Design and Furnishings, Presidents and Presidency (US)
August 26, 2020 at 04:00PM

NPR News: Major Real Estate Website Now Shows Flood Risk. Should They All?

Major Real Estate Website Now Shows Flood Risk. Should They All?
Millions of home listings on now include information about climate change-driven flood risk. But other real estate sites are holding off.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 26, 2020 at 04:01PM
Health & Science

NPR News: A Young Athlete's Breathing Problems Weren't Asthma. What Were They?

A Young Athlete's Breathing Problems Weren't Asthma. What Were They?
Young athletes — especially girls — can struggle with a breathing problem that appears to be asthma. The real cause of the problem is in the vocal cords.

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Children's Health
August 26, 2020 at 04:01PM

Hotels Tout Cleaning, But Guests Say, ‘My Room Was Dirty’

By BY JANE L. LEVERE from NYT Travel
Travel and Vacations, Customer Loyalty Programs, Hotels and Travel Lodgings, Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Workplace Hazards and Violations, Cleaning Services, Hygiene and Cleanliness
August 26, 2020 at 04:00PM

NPR News: More Than 200 Ohio State University Students Suspended For Violating Pandemic Rules

More Than 200 Ohio State University Students Suspended For Violating Pandemic Rules
Many of the students were attending off-campus parties in groups of 10 or more, prompting concern and pleas for cooperation from administrators.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 26, 2020 at 08:17AM
Categoty Education

NPR News: University Of Alabama Reports More Than 560 New COVID-19 Cases In First Week

University Of Alabama Reports More Than 560 New COVID-19 Cases In First Week
More than 530 of those cases are at its flagship campus in Tuscaloosa, prompting Mayor Walt Maddox to order bars to close for two weeks.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 26, 2020 at 07:06AM
Categoty Education

NPR News: 'We've Lost Everything': California Wildfire Takes The Home Of A Veteran Firefighter

'We've Lost Everything': California Wildfire Takes The Home Of A Veteran Firefighter
The firefighter and his partner were sleeping in their home when the fire approached, a day earlier than expected.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 26, 2020 at 06:41AM

How the Hollywood Fix Cornered the Influencer Paparazzi Market

Fletcher Greene, 38, used to photograph all sorts of celebrities. But when the pandemic hit, the A-listers hid while Gen Z’s rising stars stayed in plain sight.
Celebrities, Social Media
August 26, 2020 at 04:53AM

NPR News: UNC Student Journalists Share What It's Like To Cover Campus Reopening

UNC Student Journalists Share What It's Like To Cover Campus Reopening
Student journalists at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill were thrust into the spotlight after a headline with an expletive describing the coronavirus outbreaks on campus went viral.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 26, 2020 at 02:44AM
Categoty Education

NPR News: Africa Declares Wild Polio Is Wiped Out — Yet It Persists In Vaccine-Derived Cases

Africa Declares Wild Polio Is Wiped Out — Yet It Persists In Vaccine-Derived Cases
The Kick Polio Out Of Africa Campaign began in 1996. This week, the World Health Organization announced that wild polio had been eradicated — although there is a caveat.

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Children's Health
August 26, 2020 at 02:42AM

Tiny Love Stories: ‘I Asked My Husband to Leave for a Week’

By Unknown Author from NYT Style
Modern Love in miniature, featuring reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words.
Love (Emotion), Modern Love (Times Column), Dating and Relationships, Supermarkets and Grocery Stores
August 26, 2020 at 02:00AM

NPR News: FDA's Hahn Apologizes For Overselling Plasma's Benefits As A COVID-19 Treatment

FDA's Hahn Apologizes For Overselling Plasma's Benefits As A COVID-19 Treatment
The Food and Drug Administration's chief said Sunday the therapy reduces deaths among COVID-19 patients by 35%. On Monday he apologized, acknowledging that statistic greatly exaggerates any benefit.

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August 26, 2020 at 12:44AM
Health Care

NPR News: Jerry Falwell Jr. Resigns As Liberty University's President

Jerry Falwell Jr. Resigns As Liberty University's President
Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. confirms to NPR via text message that he is resigning from his post after a confusing 24 hours over his status at the university.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 26, 2020 at 01:14AM
Categoty Education

NPR News: FDA's Hahn Apologizes For Overselling Plasma's Benefits As A COVID-19 Treatment

FDA's Hahn Apologizes For Overselling Plasma's Benefits As A COVID-19 Treatment
The Food and Drug Administration's chief said Sunday the therapy reduces deaths among COVID-19 patients by 35%. On Monday he apologized, acknowledging that statistic greatly exaggerates any benefit.

Read more on NPR
August 26, 2020 at 12:44AM
Health Care

NPR News: FDA's Hahn Apologizes For Overselling Plasma's Benefits As A COVID-19 Treatment

FDA's Hahn Apologizes For Overselling Plasma's Benefits As A COVID-19 Treatment
The Food and Drug Administration's chief said Sunday the therapy reduces deaths among COVID-19 patients by 35%. On Monday he apologized, acknowledging that statistic greatly exaggerates any benefit.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 26, 2020 at 12:44AM
Health & Science

NPR News: Phoebe Bridgers' 'Punisher' Is An Album For The Moment

Phoebe Bridgers' 'Punisher' Is An Album For The Moment
Since its release, fans are sharing stories of personal connection to Bridgers' latest album, one that's made many feel less alone in a time of self-isolation.

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World Cafe At August 26, 2020 at 12:00AM

Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 8, 2020

NPR News: New York City Educators Warn School Reopening Plan Is 'Missing Pieces'

New York City Educators Warn School Reopening Plan Is 'Missing Pieces'
Of the nation's 10 largest school districts, New York City is the only one planning to open its doors to students. But objections are mounting over safety, logistics and money.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 25, 2020 at 11:02PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Didn't Give Lawmakers Credit For Backing Climate Bills

U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Didn't Give Lawmakers Credit For Backing Climate Bills
The Chamber has called for legislative action on climate, but the business group didn't take climate into account when evaluating U.S. lawmakers' voting records, an environmental think tank says.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 25, 2020 at 08:50PM

Kimberly Guilfoyle, Woman in Red

The Reagans’ favorite color will never be the same after her speech at the Republican National Convention.
Presidential Election of 2020, United States Politics and Government, Republican National Convention, your-feed-fashion
August 25, 2020 at 06:59PM

NPR News: News Brief: Republican Convention, Wisconsin Protests, Jerry Falwell Jr.

News Brief: Republican Convention, Wisconsin Protests, Jerry Falwell Jr.
Day 1 of the GOP convention rebutted the Democrats' convention. In Kenosha, Wis., peaceful protests end with fires and looting. And, Jerry Falwell Jr.'s role at Liberty University is in doubt.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 25, 2020 at 04:03PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: Veteran's Appendectomy Launches Excruciating, Months-Long Battle Over Bill

Veteran's Appendectomy Launches Excruciating, Months-Long Battle Over Bill
An uninsured Colorado man who had appendicitis owed $80,232 after two surgeries. After months of negotiating with the hospital, he still owes far more than most insurers would pay for the procedures.

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August 25, 2020 at 04:00PM
Health Care

NPR News: Jerry Falwell Jr.'s Role At Liberty University Is In Question

Jerry Falwell Jr.'s Role At Liberty University Is In Question
Jerry Falwell Jr. denies reports he resigned from Liberty University. NPR's Steve Inskeep talks to Aram Roston of the Reuters News Agency about the allegations involving Falwell.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 25, 2020 at 04:03PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: Veteran's Appendectomy Launches Excruciating, Months-Long Battle Over Bill

Veteran's Appendectomy Launches Excruciating, Months-Long Battle Over Bill
An uninsured Colorado man who had appendicitis owed $80,232 after two surgeries. After months of negotiating with the hospital, he still owes far more than most insurers would pay for the procedures.

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August 25, 2020 at 04:00PM
Health Care

NPR News: Florida Judge Rules State Order Requiring Schools To Reopen 'Unconstitutional'

Florida Judge Rules State Order Requiring Schools To Reopen 'Unconstitutional'
The judge says the order disregards safety and denies local school boards' decision-making power. The Florida Department of Education has appealed the ruling.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 25, 2020 at 09:24AM
Categoty Education

NPR News: New Hurdle For Major Alaska Gold Mine After Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Opposition

New Hurdle For Major Alaska Gold Mine After Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Opposition
The Trump administration had been moving ahead with the controversial Pebble Mine. That appeared to change after public opposition from some key Republicans worried about the salmon fishery.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 25, 2020 at 05:40AM

NPR News: German Experiment Tests How The Coronavirus Spreads At A Concert

German Experiment Tests How The Coronavirus Spreads At A Concert
Researchers hope it can provide insight as to how COVID-19 spreads in large stadiums — and how to prevent it.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 25, 2020 at 05:06AM
Health & Science

NPR News: A Filipina Nurse On Working On The Front Lines Of The Pandemic

A Filipina Nurse On Working On The Front Lines Of The Pandemic
Nurses are among the Philippines' most sought-after exports. One front-liner in New York City has won over colleagues with a morale-boosting performance and has mentored health care workers back home.

Read more on NPR
August 25, 2020 at 02:56AM
Health Care

NPR News: HHS Chief Alex Azar Defends Authorization Of Plasma To Treat COVID-19

HHS Chief Alex Azar Defends Authorization Of Plasma To Treat COVID-19
NPR's Ari Shapiro talks with Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar about the Food and Drug Administration allowing the use of convalescent plasma to treat COVID-19.

Read more on NPR
August 25, 2020 at 02:56AM
Health Care

NPR News: HHS Chief Alex Azar Defends Authorization Of Plasma To Treat COVID-19

HHS Chief Alex Azar Defends Authorization Of Plasma To Treat COVID-19
NPR's Ari Shapiro talks with Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar about the Food and Drug Administration allowing the use of convalescent plasma to treat COVID-19.

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August 25, 2020 at 02:56AM
Health Care

NPR News: Fires In California And Colorado Cover The West With Smoke

Fires In California And Colorado Cover The West With Smoke
Intense fires in California and Colorado are blanketing a large part of the West with smoke. As fire season gets longer, researchers are studying the health impact.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 25, 2020 at 02:56AM

NPR News: A Filipina Nurse On Working On The Front Lines Of The Pandemic

A Filipina Nurse On Working On The Front Lines Of The Pandemic
Nurses are among the Philippines' most sought-after exports. One front-liner in New York City has won over colleagues with a morale-boosting performance and has mentored health care workers back home.

Read more on NPR
August 25, 2020 at 02:56AM
Health Care

NPR News: HHS Chief On The Use Of Convalescent Plasma For COVID-19 Treatment

HHS Chief On The Use Of Convalescent Plasma For COVID-19 Treatment
NPR's Ari Shapiro talks with Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar about the Food and Drug Administration allowing the use of convalescent plasma to treat COVID-19.

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August 25, 2020 at 02:56AM
Health Care

NPR News: Record-Setting Blazes Continue To Rip Through Northern California

Record-Setting Blazes Continue To Rip Through Northern California
On all sides of the San Francisco Bay Area, the three largest blazes are burrowing through forest and rural areas mostly uncontained, officials said.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 25, 2020 at 01:49AM

NPR News: 'It's Great To Live In Rural Maine,' Where Cases Are Low And Schools Are Open

'It's Great To Live In Rural Maine,' Where Cases Are Low And Schools Are Open
Aroostook County has reported fewer than 40 COVID-19 cases since March. But even in an area with low infection rates, back to school looks a little different.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 25, 2020 at 01:00AM
Categoty Education

Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 8, 2020

NPR News: To Manage Wildfire, California Looks To What Tribes Have Known All Along

To Manage Wildfire, California Looks To What Tribes Have Known All Along
Native American tribes are restoring traditional burning in California, which could help the state reduce the risk of extreme wildfires.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 24, 2020 at 08:00PM
Health & Science

NPR News: To Manage Wildfire, California Looks To What Tribes Have Known All Along

To Manage Wildfire, California Looks To What Tribes Have Known All Along
Native American tribes are restoring traditional burning in California, which could help the state reduce the risk of extreme wildfires.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 24, 2020 at 08:00PM

NPR News: Austin Tracks The Rise In Temperatures In Its Neighborhoods

Austin Tracks The Rise In Temperatures In Its Neighborhoods
Around the U.S. this summer, volunteers are driving with sensors to map rising urban heat. City planners and scientists will use those maps to bring relief for people in the hottest neighborhoods.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 24, 2020 at 04:07PM

NPR News: UNC's Attempt For An In-Person Fall Doesn't Go As Planned

UNC's Attempt For An In-Person Fall Doesn't Go As Planned
Students across the U.S. are continuing to move into college dorms. At the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill that's happening in reverse. Students are moving out following COVID-19 outbreaks.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 24, 2020 at 06:27PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: Another COVID-19 Medical Mystery: Patients Come Off Ventilator, But Linger In A Coma

Another COVID-19 Medical Mystery: Patients Come Off Ventilator, But Linger In A Coma
Doctors are researching why some patients remain unconscious for days or weeks, even after sedating drugs are withdrawn. They also worry that these patients aren't being given time to recover.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 24, 2020 at 04:01PM
Health & Science

NPR News: Another COVID-19 Medical Mystery: Patients Come Off Ventilator, But Linger In A Coma

Another COVID-19 Medical Mystery: Patients Come Off Ventilator, But Linger In A Coma
Doctors are researching why some patients remain unconscious for days or weeks, even after sedating drugs are withdrawn. They also worry that these patients aren't being given time to recover.

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August 24, 2020 at 04:01PM
Health Care

When the World Shut Down, They Saw It Open

By BY ZOË BEERY from NYT Style
The pandemic has made work and social life more accessible for many. People with disabilities are wondering whether virtual accommodations will last.
Disabilities, Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), E-Learning, Labor and Jobs, your-feed-selfcare
August 24, 2020 at 04:00PM

NPR News: Another COVID-19 Medical Mystery: Patients Come Off Ventilator, But Linger In A Coma

Another COVID-19 Medical Mystery: Patients Come Off Ventilator, But Linger In A Coma
Doctors are researching why some patients remain unconscious for days or weeks, even after sedating drugs are withdrawn. They also worry that these patients aren't being given time to recover.

Read more on NPR
August 24, 2020 at 04:01PM
Health Care

NPR News: Wildfires Hit California's Redwoods And Condors, But There's Still Hope

Wildfires Hit California's Redwoods And Condors, But There's Still Hope
Growing wildfires have overtaken old-growth redwoods and endangered condor nests, but biologists say they could survive.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 24, 2020 at 06:56AM
Health & Science

NPR News: Wildfires Hit California's Redwoods And Condors, But There's Still Hope

Wildfires Hit California's Redwoods And Condors, But There's Still Hope
Growing wildfires have overtaken old-growth redwoods and endangered condor nests, but biologists say they could survive.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 24, 2020 at 06:56AM

Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 8, 2020

NPR News: More People Of Color Needed In COVID-19 Vaccine Trials

More People Of Color Needed In COVID-19 Vaccine Trials
NPR's Lulu Garcia-Navarro talks to Renee Mahaffey Harris, president of The Center for Closing the Health Gap, about why Blacks and Latinos are not well-represented in clinical vaccine trials.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 23, 2020 at 06:49PM
Health & Science

NPR News: Study Finds Painting Eyes On Cows' Butts Can Save Their Lives

Study Finds Painting Eyes On Cows' Butts Can Save Their Lives
Researchers in Botswana have found that painting large eyes on the rear ends of cows wards off predators. They hope that fewer attacks will reduce livestock losses.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 23, 2020 at 06:49PM
Health & Science

NPR News: College Road Trip: UNC Students Move Out After COVID-19 Outbreak

College Road Trip: UNC Students Move Out After COVID-19 Outbreak
College reopenings have been difficult, especially in the South, where coronavirus cases are surging? At UNC, students were asked to move out two weeks after the school year started.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 23, 2020 at 06:49PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: California Wildfires Continue To Burn As Weather, COVID-19 Complicate Response

California Wildfires Continue To Burn As Weather, COVID-19 Complicate Response
Weather continued to complicate firefighting efforts for several California wildfires that have burned hundreds of thousands of acres.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 23, 2020 at 06:49PM

NPR News: Rain, Surge And Wind: How To Understand Your Hurricane Risk

Rain, Surge And Wind: How To Understand Your Hurricane Risk
Focus more on water, less on wind and beware the cone of uncertainty. Here's a simple guide for understanding hurricane risks.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 23, 2020 at 06:00PM
Health & Science

Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 8, 2020

NPR News: Michigan State University Students See Chaos After School Closes On Campus Housing

Michigan State University Students See Chaos After School Closes On Campus Housing
Michigan State University closed on campus housing for the semester to minimize spread of COVID-19, affecting more than 5,000 students many who have already paid for their fall semester housing.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 22, 2020 at 06:59PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: California Battalion Chief On The Challenge Of Fighting Wildfires During A Heat Wave

California Battalion Chief On The Challenge Of Fighting Wildfires During A Heat Wave
Firefighters have been battling hundreds of blazes sparked by thousands of lightning strikes. "It wouldn't matter if we had five times more firefighters," says the battalion chief for Sonoma County.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 22, 2020 at 06:59PM

NPR News: As Pandemic Persists, Health Care Heroes Beginning To Crack Under The Strain

As Pandemic Persists, Health Care Heroes Beginning To Crack Under The Strain
Many doctors are suffering burnout five months into the pandemic. But the toll is compounded for Latino doctors serving heavily affected Latino communities. Some are now beginning to seek help.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 22, 2020 at 06:00PM
Health & Science

NPR News: As Pandemic Persists, Health Care Heroes Beginning To Crack Under The Strain

As Pandemic Persists, Health Care Heroes Beginning To Crack Under The Strain
Many doctors are suffering burnout five months into the pandemic. But the toll is compounded for Latino doctors serving heavily affected Latino communities. Some are now beginning to seek help.

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August 22, 2020 at 06:00PM
Health Care

NPR News: Rural Hospitals Are Sinking Under COVID-19 Financial Pressures

Rural Hospitals Are Sinking Under COVID-19 Financial Pressures
America's rural hospitals were struggling even before the pandemic. Now, the loss of revenue from months of deferred treatments and surgeries have pulled more to the brink, as federal relief fades.

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August 22, 2020 at 06:00PM
Health Care

NPR News: More Than 6,500 Teachers Have Had Unfair Student Debts Erased

More Than 6,500 Teachers Have Had Unfair Student Debts Erased
After an NPR investigation led to an overhaul of the troubled TEACH Grant program, the U.S. Department of Education says teachers have had nearly $44 million in loans turned back into grants.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 22, 2020 at 06:00PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: What It Looks Like When School, And Everything Else, Happens At Home

What It Looks Like When School, And Everything Else, Happens At Home
Photographer Elizabeth Dalziel has been in charge of her sons' learning during lockdown. The time together has wrapped them in a tight hug that at times "feels like a boa constrictor's slow squeeze."

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 22, 2020 at 06:00PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: As Pandemic Persists, Health Care Heroes Beginning To Crack Under The Strain

As Pandemic Persists, Health Care Heroes Beginning To Crack Under The Strain
Many doctors are suffering burnout five months into the pandemic. But the toll is compounded for Latino doctors serving heavily affected Latino communities. Some are now beginning to seek help.

Read more on NPR
August 22, 2020 at 06:00PM
Health Care

NPR News: Rural Hospitals Are Sinking Under COVID-19 Financial Pressures

Rural Hospitals Are Sinking Under COVID-19 Financial Pressures
America's rural hospitals were struggling even before the pandemic. Now, the loss of revenue from months of deferred treatments and surgeries have pulled more to the brink, as federal relief fades.

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August 22, 2020 at 06:00PM
Health Care

NPR News: Fallen Boulder Reveals 313 Million-Year-Old Fossil Footprints At Grand Canyon

Fallen Boulder Reveals 313 Million-Year-Old Fossil Footprints At Grand Canyon
The side-by-side tracks of two ancient animals have been called "by far the oldest vertebrate tracks in Grand Canyon."

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 22, 2020 at 09:44AM
Health & Science

NPR News: As Wildfires Continue To Spread In California, Its Governor Seeks Outside Help

As Wildfires Continue To Spread In California, Its Governor Seeks Outside Help
Gov. Gavin Newsom says an area the size of Rhode Island is now ablaze in his state. He's looking for help from other states and the federal government.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 22, 2020 at 06:59AM

NPR News: How The Past 10 Years Shaped The First New Bright Eyes Record In Almost A Decade

How The Past 10 Years Shaped The First New Bright Eyes Record In Almost A Decade
Bright Eyes performs new songs off Down In The Weeds, Where The World Once Was and talks about finding bagpipe players for "Persona Non Grata" and remembering loved ones in the minutiae of experience.

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World Cafe At August 22, 2020 at 12:47AM

Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 8, 2020

NPR News: Lori Loughlin, Husband Set To Be Sentenced in College Admissions Scheme

Lori Loughlin, Husband Set To Be Sentenced in College Admissions Scheme
The actress, best known as Aunt Becky in the sitcom Full House, and her fashion designer husband Mossimo Giannulli are expected to be sentenced Friday. They pleaded guilty to fraud charges in May.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 21, 2020 at 10:35PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: PHOTOS: The Hidden Lives Of Teen Moms

PHOTOS: The Hidden Lives Of Teen Moms
In the Philippines, 1 in 10 girls between the ages of 15 and 19 is either pregnant or a mother. The government is trying to change things. But the pandemic has made matters worse.

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Children's Health
August 21, 2020 at 10:31PM

NPR News: Heidi Larson: Why Is Trust In Vaccines As Important As The Vaccines Themselves?

Heidi Larson: Why Is Trust In Vaccines As Important As The Vaccines Themselves?
In 2003, polio reemerged in twenty countries that had long been declared polio-free. Anthropologist Heidi Larson says to stop the spread of disease, we need to first build trust in vaccines.

Đọc thêm tại NPR
at August 21, 2020 at 08:32PM
Health & Science

NPR News: For Students With Disabilities, Schools Say They Have To Do Better In The Fall

For Students With Disabilities, Schools Say They Have To Do Better In The Fall
When U.S. schools went online-only in the spring, many struggled to provide vital services to students with disabilities. Families, advocates and many educators say this fall has to be different.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 21, 2020 at 08:09PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: Tom Rivett-Carnac: How Can We Shift Our Mindset To Fight Climate Change?

Tom Rivett-Carnac: How Can We Shift Our Mindset To Fight Climate Change?
It's easy to feel powerless against looming challenges we cannot control — like climate change. So what should we do? Political strategist Tom Rivett-Carnac says the power is in our mindset.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 21, 2020 at 08:31PM

NPR News: New York City Schools Face Strike As District Plans To Reopen Amid Pandemic

New York City Schools Face Strike As District Plans To Reopen Amid Pandemic
Of the nation's 10 largest school districts, only New York City's schools plan to open. Now, the city is facing strike threats and mass confusion.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 21, 2020 at 04:02PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: New York City Schools Face Strike As District Plans To Reopen Amid Pandemic

New York City Schools Face Strike As District Plans To Reopen Amid Pandemic
Of the nation's 10 largest school districts, only New York City's schools plan to open. Now, the city is facing strike threats and mass confusion.

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Children's Health
August 21, 2020 at 04:02PM

Joe Biden Says Goodbye, Uncle Joe and Hello, Father of the Nation

In his convention acceptance speech, Mr. Biden offered a new image for the next four years.
Presidential Election of 2020, United States Politics and Government, Fashion and Apparel, Democratic National Convention, your-feed-fashion
August 21, 2020 at 06:44PM

NPR News: South Dakota Community Saves Beloved Curbside Cornstalk

South Dakota Community Saves Beloved Curbside Cornstalk
A single stalk of corn growing off the curb of an intersection in Sioux Falls, S.D., gained local fame for its perseverance. When it was uprooted, the the community rushed to save it.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 21, 2020 at 04:46PM

NPR News: Daycare, Grandparent, Pod Or Nanny? How To Manage The Risks Of Pandemic Child Care

Daycare, Grandparent, Pod Or Nanny? How To Manage The Risks Of Pandemic Child Care
At least two thirds of U.S. families are struggling to find safe and affordable child care as the pandemic rages on. NPR asked infectious disease experts to help sort the health risks of each option.

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August 21, 2020 at 04:00PM
Health Care

NPR News: New York City School Schools Face Strike As District Plans To Reopen Amid Pandemic

New York City School Schools Face Strike As District Plans To Reopen Amid Pandemic
Of the nations ten largest school districts, only New York City's schools plan to open. Now, the city is facing strike threats and mass confusion.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 21, 2020 at 04:02PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: The Los Angeles Unified School District Has An Ambitious Plan To Bring Students Back

The Los Angeles Unified School District Has An Ambitious Plan To Bring Students Back
The second-largest school distrct in the U.S. started virtual classes this week, but they want students back. Their goal? To test more than 600,000 students and staff, and nurses are key to the plan.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 21, 2020 at 04:02PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: New York City School Schools Face Strike As District Plans To Reopen Amid Pandemic

New York City School Schools Face Strike As District Plans To Reopen Amid Pandemic
Of the nations ten largest school districts, only New York City's schools plan to open. Now, the city is facing strike threats and mass confusion.

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Children's Health
August 21, 2020 at 04:02PM

NPR News: The Los Angeles Unified School District Has An Ambitious Plan To Bring Students Back

The Los Angeles Unified School District Has An Ambitious Plan To Bring Students Back
The second-largest school distrct in the U.S. started virtual classes this week, but they want students back. Their goal? To test more than 600,000 students and staff, and nurses are key to the plan.

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Children's Health
August 21, 2020 at 04:02PM

NPR News: Daycare, Grandparent, Pod Or Nanny? How To Manage The Risks Of Pandemic Child Care

Daycare, Grandparent, Pod Or Nanny? How To Manage The Risks Of Pandemic Child Care
At least two thirds of U.S. families are struggling to find safe and affordable child care as the pandemic rages on. NPR asked infectious disease experts to help sort the health risks of each option.

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Children's Health
August 21, 2020 at 04:00PM

NPR News: Daycare, Grandparent, Pod Or Nanny? How To Manage The Risks Of Pandemic Child Care

Daycare, Grandparent, Pod Or Nanny? How To Manage The Risks Of Pandemic Child Care
At least two thirds of U.S. families are struggling to find safe and affordable child care as the pandemic rages on. NPR asked infectious disease experts to help sort the health risks of each option.

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August 21, 2020 at 04:00PM
Health Care

NPR News: Wildfires Rage On In California As Fire Crews And Evacuees Grapple With COVID Risks

Wildfires Rage On In California As Fire Crews And Evacuees Grapple With COVID Risks
The possibility of catching or spreading COVID-19 adds a new dimension of risk to the job, both on and off the front lines, and poses new threats to those seeking refuge in temporary shelter.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 21, 2020 at 01:31PM

Pushed Together for 48 Days, Then Pulled Apart for 49

Between a pandemic and military training, so much for college love being casual.
Love (Emotion), Dating and Relationships, Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Letters, Content Type: Service
August 21, 2020 at 11:00AM

NPR News: White House Stokes Hopes That Key Hospital Data Tracking Will Soon Return To CDC

White House Stokes Hopes That Key Hospital Data Tracking Will Soon Return To CDC
Dr. Deborah Birx says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is creating a new way to track COVID-19 hospitalizations, just a month after such data collection was moved outside the agency.

Read more on NPR
August 21, 2020 at 06:46AM
Health Care

NPR News: White House Stokes Hopes That Key Hospital Data Tracking Will Soon Return To CDC

White House Stokes Hopes That Key Hospital Data Tracking Will Soon Return To CDC
Dr. Deborah Birx says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is creating a new way to track COVID-19 hospitalizations, just a month after such data collection was moved outside the agency.

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August 21, 2020 at 06:46AM
Health Care

Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 8, 2020

NPR News: Swab, Spit, Or Stay Home? A Wide Variety Of Plans To Keep Coronavirus Off Campus

Swab, Spit, Or Stay Home? A Wide Variety Of Plans To Keep Coronavirus Off Campus
Colleges are rolling out a dizzying diversity of Covid-19 containment plans for students and staff. Some have no plans for routine testing, while others aim to test everyone on campus twice a week.

Read more on NPR
August 20, 2020 at 10:51PM
Health Care

NPR News: Michigan Agrees To Pay $600 Million To Flint Residents Over Water Debacle

Michigan Agrees To Pay $600 Million To Flint Residents Over Water Debacle
A summary of the preliminary settlement shows that nearly 80% of the money would go to resolve claims filed on behalf of minors and children.

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Children's Health
August 20, 2020 at 10:02PM

NPR News: Michigan Agrees To Pay $600 Million To Flint Residents Over Water Debacle

Michigan Agrees To Pay $600 Million To Flint Residents Over Water Debacle
A summary of the preliminary settlement shows that nearly 80% of the money would go to resolve claims filed on behalf of minors and children.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 20, 2020 at 10:02PM

Kamala Harris Goes Beyond the White Pantsuit

At the Democratic National Convention, change is the message in all sort of ways.
United States Politics and Government, Women and Girls, Democratic National Convention, Presidential Election of 2020, Fashion and Apparel, your-feed-fashion
August 20, 2020 at 07:06PM

What Ever Happened to Saying ‘Thanks’?

A reader who mails her daughter monetary gifts that have long gone unacknowledged wonders whether it’s time to stop sending them.
Customs, Etiquette and Manners
August 20, 2020 at 07:00PM

NPR News: For Standout Indiana High School Graduate, The Sky Is The Limit

For Standout Indiana High School Graduate, The Sky Is The Limit
Taran Richardson is a star athlete, on the Dean's list and senior class president. He applied to 70 colleges and was accepted by 65. Richardson chose Howard University to study astrophysics.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 20, 2020 at 04:46PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: How To Tell A Real COVID-19 Contact Tracer's Call From A Scammer's

How To Tell A Real COVID-19 Contact Tracer's Call From A Scammer's
A loved one's health could depend on the truth if you get a call from a real contact tracer about your exposure to the coronavirus. But beware impostors who ask you for payment or to click on a link.

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August 20, 2020 at 04:00PM
Health Care

NPR News: Students With Disabilities Struggle To Learn Remotely

Students With Disabilities Struggle To Learn Remotely
While many schools are continuing distance learning, educators want to do things differently this time for students who need special education services. Parents say the schools have to do better.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
At August 20, 2020 at 04:08PM
Categoty Education

NPR News: Study Dives Deeper Into How Much Plastic Is In The Oceans

Study Dives Deeper Into How Much Plastic Is In The Oceans
A new study suggests there is far more plastic in the Atlantic Ocean than scientists previously thought, especially very small pieces of plastic that can end up inside fish and other animals.

Đọc tiếp trên NPR
August 20, 2020 at 04:08PM

The New American Status Symbol? A Second Passport

Many U.S. citizens whose families immigrated from Europe are eligible, and the pandemic has caused an uptick in applications.
Citizenship and Naturalization, Passports, Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
August 20, 2020 at 04:00PM

NPR News: How To Tell A Real COVID-19 Contact Tracer's Call From A Scammer's

How To Tell A Real COVID-19 Contact Tracer's Call From A Scammer's
A loved one's health could depend on the truth if you get a call from a real contact tracer about your exposure to the coronavirus. But beware impostors who ask you for payment or to click on a link.

Read more on NPR
August 20, 2020 at 04:00PM
Health Care

Out of Office: A Survey of Our New Work Lives

What does the future hold for offices and the workers who once inhabited them? 
Workplace Environment, Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Telecommuting, Labor and Jobs, Layoffs and Job Reductions, Quarantine (Life and Culture)
August 20, 2020 at 11:01AM

Meet the New Guy

He has never met his co-workers. It’s as weird as you would expect.
Hiring and Promotion, Layoffs and Job Reductions, Labor and Jobs, Workplace Environment, Quarantine (Life and Culture)
August 20, 2020 at 11:01AM

Will We Ever Touch (Professionally) Again?

On the future of handshakes, fist bumps and even footshakes.
Quarantine (Life and Culture), Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Customs, Etiquette and Manners, Workplace Environment
August 20, 2020 at 11:01AM