Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 7, 2016

Wikipedia article of the day for July 25, 2016

The Wikipedia article of the day for July 25, 2016 is 1880 Democratic National Convention.
The 1880 US Democratic National Convention met June 22–24, 1880, at the Music Hall (pictured) in Cincinnati, Ohio, nominating Winfield S. Hancock of Pennsylvania for president and William H. English of Indiana for vice president. Six men were officially candidates for nomination at the convention, and several more received votes. The two leading candidates were Hancock and Thomas F. Bayard, a conservative senator from Delaware. Many Democrats believed that Samuel J. Tilden of New York had been unjustly deprived of the presidency in 1876 and hoped to rally around him in the 1880 campaign, but his intentions were unclear. The first round of balloting was inconclusive. After learning of Tilden's withdrawal before the second round of balloting, the delegates flocked to Hancock, a career soldier and Civil War hero, who was nominated. English, a conservative from a swing state, was nominated for vice president. Hancock and English were narrowly defeated by Republicans James A. Garfield and Chester A. Arthur that autumn.

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