The Wikipedia article of the day for July 2, 2017 is Grey jay.
The grey jay (Perisoreus canadensis) is a bird of the crow family, Corvidae. It is found in boreal forests of North America north to the tree line, and in the Rocky Mountains subalpine zone south to New Mexico and Arizona. A fairly large songbird, it has pale grey underparts, darker grey upperparts, and a grey-white head with a darker grey nape. Grey jays live on permanent territories in coniferous forests, surviving in winter months on food cached throughout their territory in warmer periods. The birds form monogamous mating pairs, accompanied by a juvenile from the previous season. Grey jays adapt to human activity in their territories and may approach humans for food. The species is associated with mythological figures of several First Nations cultures, including Wisakedjak, a benevolent figure whose name was anglicized to whisky jack, another name for the bird. In 2016, an expert panel and online poll conducted by Canadian Geographic magazine recommended the grey jay as the national bird of Canada.
Wikipedia article of the day for July 2, 2017
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